Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Up and running with Android

This week I'll be giving a workshop:

Up and Running with Android

In this workshop we will go from installing Eclipse to making your Android read to you, listen to what you say, and then take action on what you say.

The tutorial is based on our Cloud Robotics hackaton project to command our Roogle bot to move around.

Github codebase:


To step through the tutorial, start off with #1 in the issue tracker:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Taking Javascript into the Field

A few months ago Theresa and I presented FieldDB at  Javascript Montreal. Here is the video taken by Hisako who was our interns on the project. While building the project we asked the interns to document what they learned in our dev channel so that other developers who are new to offline client side apps can have a "news channel" specifically designed for them.

FieldDB is a 100% Javascript stack for collaboratively collecting data. It was designed to run offline on multiple platforms (Chrome Extension and Android). In this talk we will discuss the hurdles along the way to building a data heavy offline app. We will focus two key libraries and how they fit into our stack: PouchDB alpha, a Javascript implementation of the NoSQL database CouchDB, for storing large amounts of data offline, and Require.js for simplifying development and deploying to different targets. The Javascript App, and its Node.js web services are OpenSourced on GitHub.

Slides (with notes)