I was at a talk today with some Ojibwe data where invariably the claim that "English doesn't have incorporation" or at least incorporation of objects came up. We have "vacume clean" but generally we only incorporate the instrument. I remember a similar discussion coming up a few years ago in 2007 and I asked myself about apple picking. My colucators said, sure, but you can't say apple pick right? I thought about it a bit and came up with a linear string of words that might get google results. I remember I searched for "we apple picked" and found a few results, indicating to me that some people say it, generally when discussing their weekends. So, having my Android with me at the talk I googled again. This time I found a lot more examples than before, 394 to be exact, all of the first page clear examples with native speakers, speaking naturally.
I've heard this claim can be traced back to Baker 1988. When I got home I googled the claim "english doesnt have incorporation" and came up with Carlson 2006, not exactly a scholarly search but enough to yield Baker again. From my perspective, in 1988, we didn't have photo tagging and blogs (the two contexts where it seems appropriate that people will discuss that they apple picked). In 2007 when I last checked the data, there were also a lot fewer instances (again, we are talking about instances by a native speaker of English, speaking naturally.)
It seems reasonable to me that the long tail of possible English sentences and the right contexts to say them naturally with out trying to be funny, just didn't occur to Baker. I would also add that our understanding of V didn't stop with Baker, more complex structure in the V node has been postulated and argued for since then. So either this data is not the relevant data to prove that English has incorporation, or his claim has been taken out of context and still stands in it's original form if reformulated and restricted to reflect current knowledge.
Whatever the case,
why are we so reluctant at the very least to admit that these data exist? Why does the "tongue-in-cheek" quality of saying "I bass-fished a shark" indicate ungrammaticality only in the context of "English doesnt have incorporation," when really it indicates non-felicity, yet a possible English sentence, like "colorless green ideas sleep furiously." We teach Ling 101 students the difference between "weird syntax" vs. "weird semantics," why don't we understand the difference.
I would say that the claim needs clarification. English speakers can incorporate the notional object into a verb or less boldly, use root-root sequences as verbs, if there is a contrastive other object which they did not do the action in that manner. For example, what did you pick? We apple picked, not pear picked. Or alternatively, what did you farm? We rice farmed, not crop farmed. "Specialists" are very likely to incorporate nouns into their verbs, to be more precise. For example, vowel copy was spoken as a verb in the same discussion by the same people who don't incorporate nouns into their verbs.
While it may seem that the object is incorporated, there doesn't need to be any apples picked as a result of the apple picking. It is more about How did you pick? We apple picked. In order to get the particularly difficult example "We apple picked pears" the speaker needs to be in a position where the manner of the picking was non-canonical for that object, for example "We elephant hunted lions" ie, to hunt a lion, using elephant hunting techniques.
So perhaps the true claim is that if English incorporates a noun into its verb, it modifies the manner in which the verb is done. This would unify phenomena like incorporated instruments which also describe the manner "vacuum clean." Perhaps this is the same as Baker's original observation. But still allows for data such as "We apple picked" to exist. We now have enough transcripts, photo captions and blogs to prove it.
The claimed ungrammaticality of English sentences like "we apple picked" and consistant dis-regard for existing examples spoken by native English speakers in natural contexts seems to tied to the debate of head movement or spell-out of non-terminal nodes a glimpse of it is mentioned in
Mohnan 1995 "the facts of Hindi Incorporation which are not amenablc to analysis in terms of head movement (Baker 1988)." So it may be the case that those who claim "English doesn't have incorporation" believe in head movement and spell-out only of terminal nodes. The data "we apple picked" can not really be used to argue against these claims if apple performs a similar function as vacuum.
Speaking of hidden motives, why am I so sure that English has incorporation? I'm not. My goal is not to say that English has incorporation, but rather that root root verbs and bare singulars in other contexts are interesting and related phenomena, and moreover do exist in English. English surprisingly, despite being an SVO language while Hindi/Urdu is SOV, has a lot of interesting similarities with Hindi/Urdu in its light verb/verbal formation using bare roots, which I only realized while working on Hindi/Urdu in context and glossing my sentences with appropriate contexts... Really my point is, by saying the English phenomena is not incorporation, and that similar phenomena in other languages is, we are loosing valuable typological information simply due to a terminological debate.
Worse still, we aren't admitting to terminological debate that is pushing us to claim that the English data doesn't exist, despite evidence that it does exist in the I-Language of some native speakers of English...
Mohanan, Tara, 1995,
“Wordhood and Lexicality: Noun Incorporation
in Hindi”, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 13-1: 75-134.
Booij, Geert (1990):
The boundary between morphology and syntax:
Separable complex verbs in Dutch. In G. Booij and J. van Marle
(eds): Yearbook of Morphology 1, pp. 45 - 63, Foris, Dordrecht
Elena Nicoladis.
The acquisition of complex deverbal words by a French-English bilingual child. Language Learning, 55(3):415-443, 2005.
Carlson, G. (2006).
The meaningful bounds of incorporation. In S. Vogeleer and L. Tasmowski (eds.), Non-Definiteness and Plurality. In the Linguistik Aktuell series. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 35-50.
Here are some data, retrieved today:
- we apple picked
- they apple picked
- we rice farmed
- they rice farmed
- (just a sample of the controversial data, of course there are probably better. Maybe I'll write a jape grammar to tag them up in more abstract terms.)
From a website to add funny captions to photos:
"This is how much land the Palestinians will get under the Israeli's ethnic cleansing plan that we blindly support."
"Don't accuse us of cherry picking the intelligence, we 'apple' picked it
From game players who need to be clear of what kind of farming they did:
Forgive me father, for I have engaged in AoE asshattery. But when there was a Galio, Fiddlesticks and Kennen on my team, I could not resist picking Miss Fortune for her AoE Ult, even after the slight nerfs. We rice farmed
until we all got to level 6 and we AoEd them every single time, because we bought wards and they didn't. In the future, I will resist the temptation for AoE ults and pick some different carry, like Ashe or Tristana. Or play Soraka as penance.
From a transcript of an old lady 1973:
My maiden name was Jones. We lived in China; moved there in "ought two" (1902) from Chambers County. My father was a farmer on a rather small scale. He owned about forty acres of woodland and raised and butchered hogs, cured the meat. He owned as many as 100 heads of range cattle. There was open prairie range then, no fences or anything. We lived on cattle, hogs, turkeys, eggs, corn, cotton. He fed corn to his stock that he raised. And he raised peaunuts...."great loads of them"....wagon loads.
Did Mr. (James H.) Goodwin live here before you were married? No, he lived in the country. They farmed rice. They rice farmed
near Beaumont and finally went over to ...(Amelia?)...where I had taught the year before. Margaret (Cooke) was teaching in China, and boarded right close to me and she was at our house a lot. Bob (Goodwin) would come down there to see her and they would all go to church in China. That's where I met Jim. He was going with one of the Turner girls. She was a great church worker. One day he (Jim) said, "Who goes with this Jones girl?" They had a play on February 14 and had a flag on the stage and I (Carrie) was trying to get it down after the affair and Jim saw me and came over to help me. When rice farming time was over, Jim went to work for the county---guarding county prisoners working on the roads. He would do any honest work, didn't make any difference, just so he could feed his horse. I kept his horse for him some --- he had a horse and buggy -- and when he didn't need it, I kept it
From a historical society in Arkansas:
Sam L. Manatt, former Blytheville attorney, Ohio banker and a solicitor in the US Department of Agriculture, Little Rock office, took over the controlling interest of The Corning Bank early this week. He is the new chairman of the board of directors and succeeds E. Vandover as president. Mr. Vandover has headed the bank since 1938. Stockholders who sold their controlling interest in the local banking institution were, Mrs. F. B. Sprague, city, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lamb, Lakeland, Florida and Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Ratcliffe, Dexter, Mo. They had been the principal stockholders since the death of the late F. B. Sprague, who was president of the bank until his death in 1938. Mr. and Mrs. Manatt came here from Keota, Ohio, where he has been president of the Security State Bank for the past six years.
O. L. Woods, head of the Woods' Companies here, was named to spearhead a move to organize a rice farmers' marketing association in western Clay and Butler counties, at a meeting held here Monday night. Plans also include a fund raising program to provide rice growers in this area with a rice drying plant and storage for about 400,000 bushels of rice. The proposed plant would be built near Corning at a cost of some $350,000 or more and would serve farmers in this area who have over 7,500 acres in rice production.
Sam L. Manatt was elected president of The Corning Bank and O. J. Harold, cashier, at the annual election of officers held Tuesday. Sam L. Manatt, Jr. was elected vice president. Other officers were Mrs. Edith Toalson and Mrs. Helen Walker, assistant cashiers. Bookkeepers retained are Miss Anita Carter, Mrs. Margina Handley, Mrs. Virginia Guthrey and Miss Betsy Smalley. New stockholders are Sam L. Manatt, Mrs. Sam Manatt, Sam L. Manatt, Jr., and F. B. Manatt. Other stockholders and former members remaining on the board are M. G. Hoffman, L. G. Black and John O. Black.
E. W. Cochran, president of the CIDA, has been notified by a representative of a company which manufacturers men's caps and ladies' hand bags that the company is making preparations to establish a plant in Corning.
H. E. Burton, who came here from Roswell, New Mexico, last year and manages his 640 acre farm four miles west of McDougal, will mix irrigated row crop farming with rice farming
this season. W. B. Heaton, Burton's son in law, who recently bought the Lon Kilbreath 160 acre farm south of McDougal, and moved here from Roswell, will also irrigate a part of his row crops. Cotton and beans are the principal row crops the Burtons and Heatons plan to produce this year.
About 90 citizens attended a mass meeting at the school auditorium Tuesday night to hear a report on the recent survey for proposed improvements and extensions of Corning's water and sewer districts. Water Commissioner Brooks Sheeks gave a history of the properties since construction in 1927 and up to the present time. Mayor Frank Johnson cited the need for making our water and sewer properties modern and efficient to meet the growth of our city, install water and sewer treatment plants, extend water and sewer service to a large portion of our city not now being serviced. The council has also agreed that the demands of the State Board of Health be fulfilled and that the city should show good faith and meet requirements of the Chancery Court ruling handed down last fall, to stop the sewage nuisance and health hazard on the Mills property or face a court ruling that will enforce stoppage of the sewer outlet if the city does not act in good faith before the next court term. City officials, he said, are also definitely in favor of ending the nuisance of water unfit for laundering purposes and unpalatable for drinking due to high iron content which oxidizes when it enters the water mains. Total cost of the proposed improvements would amount to an estimated $329,850 which would be paid in 30 years or less by a revenue bond issue to be paid by revenue from the water and sewer systems at an interest rate of 3.5 percent or less if sold at auction, Mayor Johnson said. No taxes on any properties would be in force. In lieu of property tax, all costs would be paid by the users of water and sewer service.
The Corning Volunteer Fire Department was recently reorganized with Whitney Bailey, fire chief, and John (Gaspipe) Conner, secretary.
The $330,000 water and sewer bond issue was voted-in Monday by a majority of almost six to one. The vote was 270 for and 47 against.
The Arkansas Supreme Court this week refused to prevent Pulaski Circuit Judge J. Mitchell Cockrill from reviewing the State Eclectic [Electric] Medical Board's conduct of an investigation into validity of a medical license held by Dr. Jacob Sass Schirmer of Corning.
The death of a Knobel flier was brought out in a trade of information by Americans and Chinese Communists. The Reds said that H. D. Weese was among three Air Force men killed when a B-29 Superfort crashed near the Yalu River 18 months ago. The Air Force said the man referred to would be Lt. Henry D. Weese of Knobel.
About 250 construction workers reported for work on the 400,000 bushel grain drying plant north of Corning this week. Most of these workers will remain on the job for some two to three weeks and sleeping rooms or rooms with board are needed.
Fire of undetermined origin destroyed Knobel school gymnasium Sunday morning about 11:30. The gym had served the Knobel community for all civic and school functions for 12 years and was a tragic loss to the people of that area.
The State Highway Department on January 11th gave the go-ahead sign with the issuance of its official work order for construction to begin on US Highway 67 between Corning and Pocahontas.
The YMCC members voted unanimously to contribute $1,000 for the purchase of a site for a proposed rice drying plant sought in this area by rice growers. Considerable discussion followed the proposal made by YMCC President Chas. Bowers.
One of the features of the Lions Club Minstrel to be presented in the High School Auditorium Thursday, February 11, will be a Baby Contest. This feature promises to be a side-splitter with the "babies" all dressed up in rompers, diapers and cute little dresses. There are six of these babies who will entertain you with their mannerisms. They are D. A. Snider, A. L. Drilling, C. R. Black, Sr., John Gallegly, J. B. Belford and Lem Scrivner. A black baby will also do his stuff. He is John A. Magee.
Fire of undetermined origin nearly burned out the main business block at Knobel Sunday night, causing damage estimated in excess of $50,000. Destroyed were the Cunning Drug Store and Fountain Room, Malone Restaurant, Calhoun Restaurant and Tyler Barber Shop.
Water and Sewer Commissioners Brooks Sheeks, C. R. Black and W. W. Hastings met with Mayor Frank Johnson and Alderman A. L. Drilling, the latter two to work out some means of meeting the demands of Gus Mills, plaintiff in a court action docketed for trial in next month's chancery court, to remove an alleged nuisance at the out-fall of the city's sewerage on his property at the south end of West Fourth Street. The commissioners were of the opinion that the city should be planning now to meet with the residents and decide upon the best move to meet the needs of the outgrown water and sewer systems. They recommended that only permanent improvements be planned and made, as patchwork, stopgap improvements only tend to cost the tax payer more in the long run.
Construction work will start in the near future on a $400,000 rice drying plant and ten 40,000 bushel capacity elevators on the west side of the Missouri Pacific tracks, north of Corning. The Clay County Rice Growers Cooperative Association, headed by O. L. Woods, plans to have the 400,000 bushel plant ready well in advance of the next harvest season. Finances for the plant have been raised by sale of common and preferred stock amounting to $208,000, bought by rice producers in this area. An equal amount of money, secured from the Federal Intermediate Credit Corporation of St. Louis, will provide the balance and make possible the construction of the $416,000 plant. Roy and Everett Thomas, large scale rice growers here, and other local citizens, handled the sale of local co-op stock..
Seventy members of the YMCC went on record Monday night as favoring a survey of Corning's water and sewer districts and having an estimate made for installation of water and sewer treatment plants, necessary extensions to all residents of the city and any or all repairs of existing property. The city has out grown the present system to the extent that only 60 percent of the homes are being serviced, or 450 homes within the district borders and some 225 homes outside. Money is now on hand to retire the outstanding $9,000 in sewer bonds due in 1953 and 1954. Water district receipts, the $11,000 water bonds due at maturity, can be purchased or money placed in escrow and the two districts dissolved and the property turned over to the city. A bond issue would have to be voted that would provide the entire city with water and sewer service, payable by revenue earned from service charges, each month. Property tax, which as been in effect since the bond issue of 1926 would be void, when and if a new bond issue is voted in, with no property tax levied on any property in the new water and sewer districts. The $247,000 bond issue voted down three years ago was proposed on the same basis, or payable through revenue earned by service charges, with no property tax, or no mortgages on any real estate. The water and sewer systems only, to be mortgaged for the improvements.
A new electrically operated automatic proofing machine is now in operation at The Corning Bank that just about does everything but make change at the tellers windows. The machine has been installed to increase the efficiency of the service to patrons of the bank, Sam Manatt, Sr., president, said. O. J. Harold resigned his position as cashier Monday. Replacing Harold is Sam Manatt, Jr., also vice president and a member of the board of directors. Don DeArmon started as teller-bookkeeper Wednesday morning.
Mack Blackwood, local hardware dealer, was elected member of the Corning School Board of Directors for a five year term. He was unopposed. Retiring from the board is Kenneth Pettit.
The financial structure of The Corning Bank has been increased to $250,000 as a result of a recent meeting of the board of directors. Board members John O. Black, L. G. Black, M. G. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Manatt and Sam Manatt, Jr. agreed on adding undivided profits amounting to $50,000 to the bank's financial backing, to make it one of the strongest financial institutions of any in a city the size of Corning.
Travelers Motel, just completed on US 67 North, will be formally opened Sunday, March 28, with an open house from one until four in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Smith, owners of the new, modern motel, invite the general public to call and inspect the plant.
Eighty acres were plowed, disked and made ready for planting on the Ralph M. "Snooks" Crafton farm north of Corning last Wednesday. Seven of Crafton's neighbors and five tractor drivers from Ring district pitched in to see how quickly they could get his land ready for the 1954 crop season. They all worked like mad from 6:45 Wednesday morning until six that evening, only taking out time for lunch and an occasional stop for minor adjustment or repairs. It took 11 hours and 15 minutes (about seven acres an hour) for the eight tractors to prepare the 80 acres for planting, probably a record for neighbor-exchange help around here. Farmers on the project with their tractors and equipment were Lester Crafton, Eddie Poe Crafton, Bill Phelan, Elmer White, Snooks Crafton. Drivers, other than above mentioned, were Jake and Jim Beecher, Bill and William Weaver and Ray White all of Route Two, Corning. They will continue to swap labor and equipment until all eight have their soil ready for planting.
Dan W. Harold elected president of school board; many wing school improvements to be started soon.
Sterling L. Gazaway, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gazaway, former Datto residents, died of strangulation Sunday afternoon at Forrest Park, St. Louis. Gazaway was eating a hot dog sandwich when he became choked.
Tony Miller, 13 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, died Tuesday afternoon of complications resulting from third degree burns he received April 13 at a local barber shop. The youth was cleaning a sink with gasoline when the bottle hit a drainage pipe and broke, spilling the gasoline liquid. A nearby open gas heater ignited the fumes and both legs were burned from the hips down.
YMCC President Charles Bowers announced at Monday night's meeting that a Federal Agriculture Office (ASC) will be open June 6 in the jury room on the second floor of the courthouse here. A new jury room will be made by closing the stairway at the west entrance.
Edgar Van Buren Sheeks, prominent civic leader and local business man for the past 30 years, died at the Lucy Lee Hospital, Poplar Bluff, Tuesday. He was 54. He was widely known for his interest in the Democratic party and his interest and work for better highways. He was a dealer for the Ford Motor Company, the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company and the Texaco Oil Company since he entered business 30 years ago. A member of the Pine Bluff Shrine Temple, he also was a 32nd Degree Mason, at Little Rock. He served as a deacon and Sunday School teacher at the First Christian Church where he had been a member since 1914.
Eight more blocks on West Main Street are being asphalt hard surfaced, Mayor Frank L. Johnson informed the Courier this week. This new improvement will give the city an asphalt surfaced street from West Second Street to the 67-62 junction with the exception of one block, he said. It is anticipated that the one block not yet secured on the cooperative basis of 50-50 city funds and property owner funds, will be obtained soon in order to give motorists and property owners on West Main advantage of a hard-surfaced street from the Mo-Pac tracks to the junction this summer.
A contract to complete hard topping Highway 1- West from Corning 'Y' to Paragould has been let by the Arkansas Highway Commission to D. F. Jones Construction Company of Little Rock. The bid of $337.935 schedules 11.4 miles of grading, drainage structure, gravel base and asphalt surfacing. Also included in the contract is practical elimination of four curves and construction of one concrete bridge.
The Clay County Electric Cooperative crew of electricians, under supervision of manager Adolph Lillard, are installing permanent electric facilities at Wynn Park which will complete the circuit for electric power, lights and switch boxes.
Some 285 men started pouring the concrete forms Wednesday, June 23, at the Corning Rice Dryer plant, working 11 and one-half hour day and night shifts. The daily pay roll is estimated at $6,555.
R. E. Pogue, former agriculture instructor at Knobel schools, became superintendent there starting July 1. He replaces W. M. Maupin who is superintendent at Vanndale.
Corning youth, Clarence Alford (Sonny) Dodge, 16, drowned while swimming, in Black River here last Thursday. The youth had been swimming with another Corning youth, Jimmie Lumpkins, 13, at Black River Camp, just north of Highway 62 bridge. Both had been in the river most of the afternoon, using an inner tube for support as neither could swim very well.
Local residents sweltered Tuesday when the mercury rose to a new high of 107 degrees this season. The previous high was on Monday when the thermometer read 105 degrees.
Water and sewer bonds amounting to $330,000 for construction of a new water treatment plant, sewer treatment plant, enlargements and improvements to Corning's water and sewer systems were sold here Friday to the Lewis W. Cherry Company, investment brokers, Little Rock. The Cherry Company was the only bidder. Interest rate was three and one-half percent. Mayor Johnson said that bids for the construction work would be let in September if no unexpected delays are encountered.
The Lions Club placed an order Friday for permanent type steel bleachers with seating capacity for 800 persons at Sprague Field.
The tragic and untimely death of Joe Joyner, popular Corning young man who was killed near Pensacola, Florida, last Monday, brought shock and grief to the people of our communities. His death occurred shortly after a 1954 Buick sedan in which he was a passenger sideswiped a house trailer on US Highway 98 at Camp Navarre, Fla., at 2:45 Monday afternoon. Joe, 18, and three of his companions, James H. Rhodes, 17, Fred Harold, 19, and Herbert Smith, Jr., 17, left here Sunday pulling a speed boat on the back of the Rhodes Buick, enroute to Panama City, Florida, where they planned to deep sea fish and vacation.
The long legal battle over the eclectic [electric] medical license of Dr. Jacob Sass Schirmer, former operator of a cancer clinic in Corning, ended Monday when the aging and ill man surrendered his license voluntarily. Despite the voluntary surrender of the license, the attorney general's office asked for and received an injunction from Circuit Judge J. Mitchell Cockrill, canceling the license permanently on the ground it was obtained by "fraud and deceit." The judge ordered the Arkansas Eclectic [Electric] Medical Board to revoke the license which it must do without choice, or be in contempt of court. Schirmer, almost 70 years old, was not in the courtroom
A new eight room house is being built at the west end of Harb Street, south of Wynn Park, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Morgan, owners.
Members and officers of the Corning Young Men's Civic Club met Monday night and voted to allocate $5,135 for Corning civic betterments. The major part of the contributions came from the net profits of the 1954 July 4th Homecoming.
The Corning Board of Education at a recent meeting, authorized a course in driver education to be started in the local high school beginning September 1. The instructor will be Tobie Adams, who worked as basketball coach and science instructor last year.
J. B. Webb, 29, employed as caterpillar driver for the J. W. Black Lumber Company, died at 12:30 a.m. Monday morning in the Brandon Hospital from injuries sustained when his 1947 Chevrolet sedan crashed head on into an Arkansas Motor Freight transport truck on US 67.
Albert Evans, 29, was killed almost instantly when a transport trailer loaded with heavy cypress lumber overturned, pinning him under the side, crushing his head and shoulders. He had loaded the lumber at Hopkins' sawmill and was enroute to Illinois. He lost control the truck just after he had passed the Black Creek bridge on the Lutheran Church road, two miles west of Highway 67.
Frank Littrell, 24, St. Louis resident, was shot and instantly killed at six o'clock last Thursday morning at the home of his brother, Alfred Littrell, who farms on the Floyd Smith farm, six miles west of Corning on Highway 67. Jim Henderson, 32 year old disabled veteran of St. Louis, admitted the fatal shooting to officers and has been returned here to face charges.
Three pearls recently found by mussel shell diggers in Black River near here represent the greatest find in 20 years. N. N. Steinberg, local shell and pearl buyer, who bought the pearls, said one weighs 132 grains, one 101 and one 35 grains, the smallest almost perfect. The pearls were removed by shell diggers working below Brookings, Skaggs Ferry and the Ark-Mo state line on Black River. They have sold approximately 25 tons of shells to Steinberg so far this year. Steinberg is the former operator of a pearl button shop here, he employed about 26 men with a payroll of about $36,000 annually.
Buel Smith, general manager of the Million Motor Company, Pocahontas, for the past ten years, purchased the Bennett-Sheeks Ford Motor Company here last week. The first local Ford agency franchise was issued to the late W. D. Bennett in 1912. The agency was operated on east Highway 62, where the M and O Seed Company is now located. In 1925 a quarter interest each, was sold to the late Ed V. Sheeks and his brother, Brooks Sheeks. The company weathered the depression and grew under competent management of Ed Sheeks with Miss Edith Bennett, the Motor Company's accountant. Later it was moved into its present quarters in a modern brick building. Later Ed V. Sheeks acquired the interests held by his brother, Brooks Sheeks, and Mr. Bennett, making him sole owner.
Dr. N. J. Latimer, pioneer and local physician for the past 56 years, will be honored at a dinner by the Corning Young Men's Civic Club next Tuesday night, About 12 other guests, all over 70, are invited to be present for the occasion, which will take place the evening of the day which has been officially declared "Dr. Latimer Day" according to announcement by YMCC President Charles Bowers. An account of Dr. Latimer's early life and many of the varied experiences during his long practice, dating back to the horse and buggy days, which was prepared by Mrs. Cecil Eaton, Jr., with the help of Dr. and Mrs. Latimer, follows, in part: Dr. Newton J. Latimer was born on a farm near Dresden, Tenn. At a very early age his parents moved to Lake County, Tennessee, and bought a farm near Tiptonville. His father died when he was 15 and he then moved with his mother to Corning. Later his mother married again and they then moved to Newbern, Tenn. He finished high school there and worked at various jobs during high school and summer vacations. Dr. Latimer had decided at a very early age that he wanted to become a doctor. He had saved enough money to pay his way into the University of Nashville Medical School, Nashville, Tenn. He then took the Clay County Medical Board examination and received his certificate to practice. He practiced in the Eastern District until he had made enough money to enter the Kentucky School of Medicine and graduated from there in the class of 1895. He later attended the University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky., taking the senior course and graduated from there in the class of 1896. He returned to the Eastern District and practiced medicine until he returned to Corning on January 30, 1898. It is but natural that a man in the practice of medicine in Clay County, which essentially is a rural county, should have many memories from all his years of practice, and Dr. Latimer does have such memories. His first calls were made on horseback and he later graduated to a horse drawn buggy. He saw the first automobiles come into the county: in fact, he owned one of the first. He also saw the arrival of the telephone and electric lights.
The Corning Grain Drying Association's 440,000 bushel capacity plant took its first load of rice Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. The 450 bushel load was from an O. L. Woods' rice farm. The second and third loads were brought in by Thomas Brothers who are among the largest producers of rice in this area. Their two loads contained some 592 bushels.
The Baptist Mission, sponsored by the First Baptist Church in Corning, will conduct a tent revival here September 19-29. The tent will be located at Fourth and Walnut streets, across from Dodd's Grocery. Rev. Andy Heskett, pastor of the church and mission, will do the preaching and Rev. H. W. Johnston, Association Missionary, will assist by leading the singing.
Dr. N. J. Latimer, dean of Arkansas' rural physicians, was honored at a dinner sponsored by the YMCC here, Monday night. Other old timers, all over 70, and several of them octogenarians, who shared the honor with the beloved physician, who has practiced medicine here for 56 years, were W. W. Henry, former superintendent of Corning school; Elder R. L. Powell, missionary Baptist minister in our area since long before the turn of the century; Uncle Tom Elliott, one of our oldest farm owners; Charles Bailey, local tinsmith for over 50 years; J. H. Magee, Corning furniture dealer; J. M. Rhea, retired hardware dealer and sportsman; Fred Bowers, pioneer barber who is still active as a farmer; Harry Harmon, Spanish-American War Veteran; and W. M. Webb, who still enjoys a good day's fishing on Black River. Dr. Latimer was one of the first in this part of Arkansas to become successful enough to make the changeover from horseback and horse and buggy travel to automobile, over the worst possible dirt roads. The doctor also had a bicycle with a third wheel attachment upon which he traveled as a Mo-Pac physician north and south of Corning on the main line's tracks. Many times in the winter, Mrs. Latimer prepared hot bricks to add to his comfort in zero or lower weather, especially during night calls, when the too-few physicians were drafted into 24 hour service all over the many communities they served.
Dr. Latimer responded to President Bowers' request for a few remarks. He told of experiences and hardships our present day generation would find difficult to believe. Only those who sat at the special table for the "old timers" had better insights of conditions in the era 60 years or more ago. One incident the aging doctor told of was when he was called to remove the leg of a 40 year old woman. No hospital service was available and the operation had to be done to save her life. After arriving at the house of the woman, he said that facilities were anything but conducive for preparation for a major operation. He ordered the grandmother to use an iron stove poker to drive two brothers of the woman and force them to build a fire in the kitchen stove for the purpose of sterilizing his medical instruments. He had to perform the operation on the kitchen table. It was a miracle, Dr. Latimer said, that she got well, adding that, no doubt, the guardian angel was present for the occasion. Dr. Latimer explained that doctors in those days were called upon for surgical and medical feats which demanded a world of courage, combined with their medical skill. "It was a day of do-it-yourself or leave-it-alone and there was no choice but to serve with the help of the higher power." he said.
Construction work was started Monday on the greatest municipal improvement ever attempted in the City of Corning, the expansion of our water and sewer facilities to all corporate limits, the construction of a modern water treatment plant, and a sewage disposal plant. These vast improvements will, no doubt, prove a boon to our city and offer local residents the advantages of one of the most modern, sanitary and efficient water and sewer systems existent, even in cities much larger than Corning.
Missouri Pacific passenger train Number Three for the past 50 years, made its last run from St. Louis to Little Rock, Monday afternoon.
Sunday afternoon the Business and Professional Women's Club room was the setting for a lovely tea in observance of National Business Women's Week, October 10-16. Guests for this occasion were the women teachers of Corning School. The tea honored the B. and P. W. Club's choice for Business "Woman of the Week," Mrs. Ann Hutchins.
Wid Rice has been appointed as temporary deputy sheriff for the Western District, replacing Bill Seagraves, who is now a patient at the state sanatorium.
Jessie W. Arnett, 77, commercial fisherman, was found dead in his cabin on Black River near here Tuesday afternoon. The body was found by Grady Walker and Uncle Ted Dahmus, downstream fishing camp operators. Circumstances indicated he died by his own hand. A .22 caliber rifle was beside his body, which was found on his bed. The bullet passed through his head near the right eye. He was thought to have been dead about two weeks when found.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elmer Sorrels were totally burned out when the house in which they resided, four miles west of Corning, on US 67, burned at about midnight, Saturday night.
Starting December 1, the city waterworks system is being shut off from two p.m. until five p.m. every day, Mondays through Fridays, until further notice. This inconvenience to city water patrons is necessary in order to install cut off valves, and make necessary installations to our present water system.
O. L. Woods was elected to head a committee for industrial development in the Corning area, sponsored by the YMCC. Woods, president of the Corning Grain Dryers Cooperative Association, headed the drive here last spring and summer that resulted in construction of the nearly half million dollar grain drying plant north of Corning.
An estimated $976,500 will be spent in Clay County on bridge and road construction if offers made by the State Highway Commission are acceptable to the county, according to highway officials. Two projects have been programmed. One is for construction of a bridge and approaches on Highway 62 at the crossing of Black River, east of Corning at estimated cost of $705,000. The second is for widening and strengthening of Highway 67 from Corning to the Missouri state line at an estimated cost of $371,500.
Sheriff-elect Leon Beaton announced this week that Willard Cobb, Route One, Corning, will be the chief deputy for the Western District, effective January 1.
Fire completely destroyed the recently remodeled ten room colonial-style home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Manatt, Sr., in west Corning early Sunday morning.
Tax liens have been filed by the federal government against Jacob Sass Schirmer, former eclectic [electric] doctor, his wife, Helen, and Corning Research Hospital, Inc., Corning, to freeze any property, rights to property, stock, securities and other goods until Internal Revenue Service receives settlement of an alleged tax debt. The tax collection agency claims that the Schirmers owe $8,762.86 in income taxes and costs from 1949 through 1952. Mingled into the dispute is the status of the $400,000 cancer hospital in Corning, which Schirmer is to have deeded the Church of God in May, 1953. The hospital here was closed about January 1 when the staff and patients were transferred to a clinic near Atlanta, Georgia.
The entire Corning area was deeply shocked Sunday, by news of the tragic death of Charles S. (Skeet) Ward, widely known and respected owner and operator of Ward's Taxi Service here. His death came at the last railroad crossing south of town when his cab was struck train Number Four at about noon, Sunday.
William Melvin Letbetter, prominent Corning businessman for 55 years, died Saturday, January 22. Born in Gainesville, Arkansas, June 22, 1877, he came to Corning from Knobel 55 years ago. He established one of the first automobile agencies here and for many years owned and operated the Letbetter's Blacksmith and Machine Shop. He also served on county and local school board and city council. He was the oldest member of the Methodist Board of Stewards and was one of the most active members in affairs pertaining to his church during his long span of years.
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Smith, owners and operators of the Travelers Motel on US 67 North, are having constructed as soon as possible, three units directly in front of their motel, across Highway 67. New structures will include a modern restaurant, a service station and a modern swimming pool.
Mrs. Ruth Belford has been, appointed Deputy County Revenue Collector for the Western District of Clay County, effective February 16.
State Revenue Department auditors were here early this week closing the books at Magee Furniture Store where John A. Magee conducted the car and truck license office, prior to Mrs. Belford's appointment by Governor Faubus. The office is now located in the assessor's office at the courthouse here.
Mayor Frank Johnson announced at the YMCC meeting Monday night that the city council had approved the purchase of another fire truck.
The Steinberg two story house was practically destroyed by fire of undetermined origin Tuesday night after flames started in a spare room in the second floor apartment occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson and children and Miss Jean Branum. Mrs. Marie Watkins and three small sons, who occupied the lower floor, saved most of their possessions, however, there was considerable water damage. The Steinberg house was somewhat of a landmark here. The date it was constructed is not known. The owner, N. N. Steinberg, said the late Mr. and Mrs. Joe Steinberg bought the house from a Dr. Harris in 1903 when it was a two room structure, adding on several rooms. Later, in 1910, the pioneer Corning merchant again rebuilt the house, making it one of the finest here at that time.
Jacob Sass Schirmer, former owner of a cancer clinic at Corning, Tuesday paid the government $3,341.56 in back income taxes through his attorney who said Schirmer had offered to make a settlement on another $8,762 tax claim. The $3,341 payment lifted two tax liens the Internal Revenue Service placed January 18, against the Corning Research Hospital, Inc., in which Schirmer and his wife were major stockholders. The couple deeded the hospital two years ago to the Church of God.
James J. Creason, Jr., 29, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Creason, city, was killed last Saturday morning when a two-engine Trans-World Airliner on which he was co-pilot, crashed into a 10,000 foot towering cliff near Albuquerque, N.M.
State highway engineers are completing a survey for construction of eight steel reinforced concrete bridges, from Corning to Junction 62-1W. Included in the program for Highway 62 improvements will be a new bridge over Black River two miles east of Corning. Three bridges will be constructed between Corning and the new Black River bridge and four the other side of the river to Junction 62-1W.
The Corning Bank, last week, installed the latest type night depository on the north front wall of the bank building for convenience of local businessmen to deposit money after banking hours.
At a meeting of the Corning District School Board last Tuesday night, a decision was reached that may mean the reduction of four school bus lines and the dropping of all music, athletics, and drivers' education from the school program. The drastic reduction is contemplated as the only alternative to the school's financial problem brought about by the cutting off of around $13,000 in state aid money. This reduction of state funds was brought when the Arkansas General Assembly removed poultry and livestock feed from the two percent sales tax, and due to the fact that several million in surplus funds that were given to the school districts during the past two years are now exhausted. The total shortage of the Corning district will be $19,380, as pointed out by Dan W. Harold, president of the school board.
Clay County Judge Ernest (Buck) Thomas distributed over 30,000 pounds to destitute people in Clay County last weekend. Distribution of the relief food was allocated to destitute families as follows for each person: butter, one and one-half pounds; cheese, two and one-half pounds; shortening, three pounds; dry milk, four and one-half pounds; beans, two pounds; and rice, one pound.
Fire, thought to have started from a recessed gas wall heater in the bathroom, completely destroyed a two story, eight room house in north Corning, early Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Glenburn Walker, owners, had remodeled the house at a cost of some $1,200 and moved into the house two weeks before.
The Fitzgerald Drug Store was sold to Gerald G. Morgan last week by the former owner and operator, Earl L. Fitzgerald. Mr. Morgan states that he will take over the operation of the business April 1. The new owner, a registered pharmacist, comes here from Paragould. A native of Piggott, he is a World War II veteran, serving first as a pharmacist mate in the Navy and later as a first lieutenant, US Army Medical Service Corps in the Korean War.
The efforts of Edward Sellmeyer and Don Byers to secure a solid block of oil leases from the landowners east of Knobel have met with almost 100 percent cooperation. Kenneth Kramer of Knobel, Route One, and Effingham, Ill., who is one of the largest landowners around here, is pushing the oil effort to the utmost.
Construction work is soon to start on a. modern, fan-shaped swimming pool at the Parkview Tourist Court, O. L. Woods, the owner, informed the Courier.
The Corning Lions Club is sponsoring a contest called "Jackpot Jones." Merchants in the Corning area are cooperating with the club in the presentation of the contest which enables everyone to participate and have an opportunity to win a huge jackpot of prizes. Clues will be posted in all stores participating in the contest and anyone wishing to get in on the contest and the fun is welcome to go to each place of business displaying the Jackpot Jones posters. The contest closes May 6.
The Missouri Pacific Railroad Company this week paid to the Tax Collector a total of $23,911.17 for 1954 taxes, the largest item of which was for school purposes, amounting to $19,099 or 53 percent of the total. Other large taxpayers in Clay County, recorded on the tax books here are: Mississippi River Fuel Co., $10,739; Texas Eastern Gas Co., $10,701; Arkansas-Missouri Power Co., $10,163, REA, $6,769; Fort Smith Gas Co., $13,308; and Frisco Railroad, $2,990.
The Irby Butane Gas Co. opened its doors for service here Wednesday, April 20, in the building south of the Fort Smith Gas Company. J. D. Fisk, former manager of the Rector store, will move his family here and manage the local store.
Mrs. Birdie Parrish, 54, burned to death Thursday morning as her home in the Hastings Addition was destroyed by fire.
Corning's new water treatment plant, soon to be put into operation, will do away with some of the nuisances which plague housewives and can be a bother to everyone. These nuisances are caused by iron, hardness, unpleasant odors and alkali in water. They interfere with cooking and washing, stain bathroom and kitchen fixtures and utensils and can make taking a drink of water an effort instead of enjoyment.
Members of the C.H.S. Senior Class, 1955: Harry Belyew, Jimmy Blackburn, Richard Cantwell, Kenneth Darr, Charles Decker, J. H. Ermert, Gene Goodman, Lowell Hawkins, Rudolph Johnson, Lynn McSpadden, Tarrell Parrish, Tommy Ward, Donald Patterson, Donald Perrin, Ronald Perrin, Don Richardson, Robert Sherman, Jimmy Smith, Jerry Talkington, Eugene Taylor, Billy Walls, Edna Ainley, Carol Jean Branum, Alice Burnett, Nancy Burton, Alice Cooper, Adelaide Danner, Muriel Egan, Wanda Elders, Louise Ermert, Lynn Estes, Doris Gambil, Patsy Goodman, Sandra Gowen, Janetta Hale, Sharon Harold, Madolyn Hogard, Nancy Johnson, Shirley Kimball, Imogene Little, Frankie Luter, Margie McFarlin, Claudette McGrew, Patricia Nettle, Nettie Lou Patterson, Almarie Pringle, Sandra Ruff, Edna Sears, Barbara Snider, Irene Taylor, Shirley Thaxton, Shirley Towell, Peggy Ward, Rosemary Watson, Vanita Whitson.
A pencil sketch by Dr. Amy Barnett of Crowley, La., of an old log cabin that stood just south of the old Corning cemetery has produced an interesting story from another pioneer citizen. The cabin was occupied by a Mr. and Mrs. Spurlock. Mr. Spurlock cut wood for the Iron Mountain Railroad and hauled it to the north wood yard just across the tracks from the cemetery. He was struck by a train and killed, and his widow filed suit against the railroad company. She received judgment but was unable to collect. Finally, Gid West, the deputy sheriff, made the collection by a reasonable native way. While the local freight was standing at the station with the train crew of the locomotive on the switch track, he padlocked the first car of the local, a Texas cattle car, to the rails and the train crew was unable to move the train until the judgment was satisfied. After much frenzied telegraphing, the railroad company agreed to have a check in the next day's mail and the local was un-padlocked.
The City of Corning officially turned over the operation of a new, completely equipped 1955 Ford fire truck to the city fire department, Tuesday evening, just before practice of stringing hose at McCauley's Store. Mayor Frank Johnson and city councilmen made the presentation and Fire Marshal Whitney Bailey and volunteer firemen were in charge of the drill.
The Bennett-Sheeks Oil Company properties in Clay and Greene Counties and the Angle Service Station were sold by Mrs. Ed V. Sheeks to the DX Sunray Oil Company of Tulsa, Okla., Monday, October 3. The oil company which operates a bulk station in Corning and 14 retail outlets in Clay County and a bulk station and ten outlets in Greene County, was first organized in 1925 by the late W. D. Bennett, who also operated a Ford agency. Later Ed V. Sheeks bought a half interest in both businesses and, in 1931, took over the two companies which he enlarged.
B. D. Bone, farm operator and former implement dealer of Paragould, has entered into a partnership with his brother in law, Mack Blackwood, in the Blackwood Furniture and Hardware Company here.
Gerald Grider, 30, father of three small children and attendant at the Duncan Esso Station, Junction 62-67, was fatally injured at about 6:30 last Thursday evening when a steel rim from a truck tire struck him as he was repairing the tire.
Safe-door crashers, adept in the criminal art of opening safes with a small sledge hammer and steel pry bar, introduced a new method of obtaining money, over $1,000 cash, from three local business establishments last Saturday night or early Sunday morning. Entered were the Knobel Milling Company, Mo-Pac station and Morgan Pharmacy.
L. H. Woolard reported finding crude oil in water taken Tuesday at 350 feet in a test well being drilled on his farm on the north side of the state line at Big-T Road.
Bring the family. Join Corning's first annual Christmas parade Friday, December 16, 3 p.m. Music by Coming's two school bands. Santa Claus invites all his little friends to join him in the parade.
Dr. Newton J. Latimer, age 86, participating physician for over 65 years, died at his home here Thursday following an illness of several months.
A modern medical clinic is now under construction on the southeast corner of West Second and Olive, for occupancy of Dr. John Cash about July 1. Arlie Taylor, owner of the property, is having added-on to the present brick office building on the site, additional rooms to make a total of nine for the clinic, which Dr. Cash, a 1954 graduate, U. of A. Medical School, will use for general medical practice and minor surgery. Dr. Cash is finishing his internship at Hillcrest Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The new water and sewer rates went into effect as of June 1, O. J. Harold, manager of the local office, said. Billings for the current month are based on the new rate of $2.75 per month minimum for water and $1.50 per month for sewer inside the original district.
A new concrete block building is being constructed at the rear of the Russell-Ermert Funeral Home. The new building will be in three sections with a five foot concrete runway to the main mortuary building.
Corning's Water and Sewer Department employees are busy installing 400 new Rockwell water meters over the city's recently reorganized and enlarged water and sewer district. The meters were purchased at a cost of $30 each.
James Howard Key, age 43, salesman for the Arkansas-Tennessee territory for American Tea and Coffee Co., was killed instantly at 11:45 Sunday night when his 1955 Oldsmobile sedan he was driving went out of control and crashed into a tree in the front yard of the G. A. Jimerson residence just south of the Junction 62-67.
Randolph County authorities reported that an unsuccessful attempt was made last Wednesday to enter Farmers and Merchants Bank at Reyno. The lock on the front of the door had been tampered with, police said. The bank at Reyno has been the target of two successful daylight holdups and a night time break-in the last three years.
The recently constructed nine room clinic building occupied by Jack Q. Cash is now open on South Second and Olive Streets one block north of the court square, with the most modern equipment and fixtures available. Mrs. Leon Foster has been employed as office nurse.
A dynamite cap explosion caused the loss of three fingers on the left hand of nine year old Robert Pounds and multiple lacerations about his body and that of his two and one-half year old sister, Dorothy Fay, who was standing nearby. The accident occurred in the front yard of the home of Mrs. Susie Lex near the north end of Corning Lake. The two children were exploding toy pistol caps on a piece of iron just before the explosion.
A Missouri Agriculture Department road block was set up Monday at the Mo-Ark state line on US 67 for boll weevil infested cotton souvenirs. All passenger cars are being stopped at the north end of Shelton Oil Company Station to determine if cotton samples they may have are boll weevil infested.
Mrs. Frank Johnson has been chosen "Woman of the Week" by the Corning Business and Professional Women's Club.
Effective October 21, 1955, the Arkansas Highway Department bridge an Highway 62 and the Missouri Pacific bridge, both crossing Black River, will need not be opened for passage of vessels. This ruling was published in the Federal Register September 21, 1955. Both bridges were constructed to be turned for Black River traffic in years past when larger boats were in use. In recent years the only occasion for turning the bridges was for federal snag boats, the last occasion being about six years ago.
L. F. Cochran, owner of the Cochran's Super Market, was selected to be president of the Corning YMCC for 1956, succeeding Winfred D. Polk.
Mrs. Norma Weir, local housewife and mother of two small children, was seriously injured when her 1951 Ford sedan overturned on the gravel road in front of the Bunny King farm home three miles northeast of Corning about 1:30 last Saturday afternoon.
One of Corning's oldest large residences, the home of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Black, was almost destroyed by fire abut two o'clock Tuesday morning. The property is owned by Mr. and Mrs. John Oprishko of Chicago and was unoccupied at the time. The original house was built by Mr. and Mrs. Black about 1910 and later remodeled by them to make it one of the finest residences in Corning. It remained in the Black family until about three years ago when C. R. Black, Jr., sold it to Mr. and Mrs. John Oprishko. The house had 11 rooms and three baths, full basement and carport.
James C. Jimerson, 18 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Jimerson of Corning, recently became the first Corning Boy Scout to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, highest rank in Scout advancement.
Corning will become a seventh-class city sometime next month providing plans the city council has been working on the past five years don't go amiss.
Two Corning business houses were victims of another visit by safe bursting burglars early Monday morning, possibly between three and five o'clock. They were the Morgan Pharmacy and the Ben Franklin Store.
Richard Ermert, unopposed candidate for member of the Corning District Eight School Board, was elected Saturday without an opposing vote.
In an early Sunday morning raid on a farm house southeast of Corning on Corning Lake, Clay and Butler County officers took Leroy Sandage, 21, former Poplar Bluffian, in custody on charges of shooting two St. Louis policemen in a holdup there Friday morning. He was arrested with his wife, Virginia Ruth Sandage, 17, by Deputy Sheriff Willard Cobb of Clay County, night police officer J. A. Julian of Corning, and Trooper Howard L. Rhodes and Sheriff Bill Brent of Butler County, at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Schneider across the Corning Lake on the former Bracken farm.
The Corning Research Hospital, nationally known cancer clinic, which was operated here prior to 1954 by Dr. J. S. Schirmer, will be offered at public auction for payment of delinquent Internal Revenue taxes. Sale will be held on the premises Thursday, March 29, 1956, at 4 p.m.
William Anthony Laux, 77, retired Illinois Central Railroad employee was fatally injured when struck by a car on US Highway 67 North near the John Ermert home, Friday evening, about seven o'clock. He lived in the Arnold Addition.
The Internal Revenue Service public auction of the Corning Research Hospital last Thursday did not effect a sale of the property, however, a group of 17 Corning businessmen made a bid for Internal Revenue Collector Gus Fulk, Jr., of Little Rock, to submit to the regional office there.
A new residential building development looks promising in the new Mills Addition at the south end of West Fourth and Fifth Streets with 20 lots sold in recent months by Gus Mills. Purchasers were Perry and Lowell Poyner, six lots; Aubrey Brown, three; Lester Neely, four; Earl Riggs, two; Cecil and Hovie Eaton, three and Bryan McCallen, two.
Construction. work on a new 90 by 35 foot Community Building, across Second Street from the northeast corner of the Court square has started. The building, which is being built by Corning Masonic Lodge, will be of block and brick construction, will have a brick front, plaster walls, concrete with tile floor, white, fireproof composition shingle roof and will be equipped with the newest type year-around air conditioning and heating plant and two rest rooms. L. F. Cochran, chairman of the building committee, said the committee has $9,000 in cash and pledges and that the building will be ready for occupancy by July 1. A. W. Ahrent is in charge of construction.
Charles T. Bloodworth an attorney for more than 50 years, died at Poplar Bluff Hospital Friday night of a heart attack. He spent his childhood in Thayer and Doniphan, later taught school in northeast Arkansas and southeast Missouri. He was postmaster at Corning for a time and was prosecuting attorney for Butler County, Missouri, for a time. He was publisher of the Clay County Republican newspaper here for several years, was a delegate to two Republican conventions, received a citation from President Theodore Roosevelt for supporting his presidential campaign and was attorney for the Missouri Pacific for 40 years. He was a Spanish-American War veteran and member of the Poplar Bluff First Methodist Church.
Funeral services were held last Wednesday at Cabool, Mo., for Sterling Price Lindsey, age 78, former Corning banker, and president of the Cabool State Bank. He came to Corning with his parents and all family possessions in three covered wagons in the fall of 1886. The elder Mr. Lindsey and four of his sons, including Sterling Price, successfully operated a stave mill here. At the age of 15 the deceased began his career, working as porter at the old Iron Mountain Railroad station here. His first job in banking came when the late W. D. Polk employed him as bookkeeper. He became assistant cashier four years later and soon became cashier of the Bank of Corning. His next position was to take charge of a small bank at Naylor. His next position was to head the First National Bank here of which he soon had controlling interest and was elected vice president. In 1929, after the bank was consolidated with the Bank of Corning, he moved to Missouri and in 1934 purchased controlling interest of the Cabool State Bank, assuming the presidency. He became a member of the Corning Christian Church in 1897, and served as superintendent of the Bible School 25 years and was Men's Bible School teacher at Cabool Christian Church the past 20 years.
The Corning Research Hospital was sold for delinquent taxes by the Internal Revenue Service here last Thursday to M. B. Ainley. Gus Fulk, Jr., collector, opened the public sale at one o'clock announcing that the lowest bid acceptable would be $4,000. Ainley was the only bidder. The hospital property consists of one city block, four buildings and foundation for a fifth structure. The old building, which originally housed the Corning Hospital, later operated as the Corning Research Hospital for cancer treatment by Dr. Jacob Sass Schirmer, has 11 rooms on the second floor and ten rooms on the ground floor. Adjoining the old building is a modern well-constructed wing of some 30 rooms, most with connecting baths, which Dr. Schirmer had built before he closed the hospital and moved the equipment and staff to Atlanta two years ago.
The Reverend George H. Hink has accepted the unanimous call to be pastor of the First Baptist Church, Corning. He plans to be in field on June 1 and to preach his first sermon as pastor on June 3.
Dr. Joseph Sain, graduate of the University of Tennessee Dental School and recently separated from his tour of duty with the US military services, plans to move here June 14 and set up his dental office in the State Theatre building.
The first test well on the O. L. Woods' tract in section four, on what is known as the Big-T Road near the Ark-Mo. state line, is now being drilled by Ark-Mo Development Co., a local corporation organized by local persons, to explore for and determine if there is any oil in the area of Corning.
Harry Eugene Lee, 17, son of Mrs. Emil Fear of Datto, died while swimming at 1:30 Sunday afternoon at Current River Beach.
The Corning Bank will observe its 25th anniversary this year and in order to celebrate this occasion, the Bank has purchased and erected a beautiful new chime clock, which chimes the quarter hours and strikes the hours. The clock is an anniversary gift to the people of this community from the bank to show their appreciation.
Funeral services for Loren Russ were held June 29 on the lawn of his home in the shade of trees that he planted in his early youth. The beautiful chimes on the Methodist Church two blocks away played familiar hymns, while songbirds created an atmosphere of joy rather than sorrow, which is exactly the way he would have wanted it. He was born in Hannibal, Mo., January 30, 1885 and came to Corning after his father, Albert, a hardware merchant, died in 1901.
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Craig have moved here from Trumann. He is the new high school principal. Mrs. Craig will teach in the third grade.
Sam L. Manatt, Sr. was elected president of the Corning Chamber of Commerce and Brooks Sheeks, vice president, at a meeting of the board of directors, Wednesday morning.
William Schliep, 21 year old employee of Black Hardwood Yard here since February, died Saturday night shortly after his car collided head on into a car driven by Charles Rathenberger of Alexandria, La. The accident occurred about midnight as Schliep was driving his car south on Highway 67 about four miles north of Corning. Danny Bennett, 17, a passenger in the car suffered a broken right ankle, head injury and body bruises.
One of Corning's landmarks, the Latimer building on West Second Street, is now being razed. Built in 1898 by a Mr. Potter of Piggott, it housed one of Corning's early drug stores. It was of brick structure, and like many buildings of that era, it was 45 feet high with 13 inch solid brick walls and yellow cypress and floor joists. Instead of steel, ceiling joists were 26 feet long, cut from first-growth yellow cypress which long since has vanished from this part of the country. Flooring of the old Latimer Building was also of yellow cypress. Bricks were made at a kiln located in south Corning at that time, and mortar was made from Black River sand and lime. The building was occupied for a number of years by Potter's Drug Store. The stock and fixtures were later purchased by R. E. L. Brown, Corning druggist for about a half century. Mr. Brown moved the drug store stock and fixtures to the corner of Hop Alley and Second Street, the building now occupied by the Family Shoe Store. After the drugstore was moved, the building was used for storage space, except for a time when the lower floor was occupied by the Corning Times which was consolidated with the Clay County Courier. The second floor was used as a lodge hall for about 30 years. Dr. N. J. Latimer bought the building in 1909, after he set up practice in the building for some 60 years, until his death last year. Bricks from the above building are being salvaged by Sylvester Walls who bought the structure from the Latimer estate. They will be used for construction of an "old brick" house for Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Manatt on Columbia Street and another structure, Walls said.
Melvin Yamnitz took charge of the local IGA market today, having recently purchased the stock and fixtures from Norace Adams and George Rahm.
Charles Fauver Ainley, Corning, is one of 126 students at University of Tennessee Medical Units in Memphis, who was graduated at commencement exercises on Monday, September 24. The son of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Ainley, he received a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree.
Members of the Business and Professional Women's Club chose Miss Birdie Sullins as their "Woman of the Week" at a dinner in her honor at the Town House last Thursday evening.
Loss from fire which destroyed the Datto Co-op Gin Sunday afternoon was estimated at well over $40,000. Corning and Pocahontas fire departments answered an alarm, however, it was too late to save the main building.
Jerry Ray Guthrie, seven year old child, was fatally hurt Saturday when he fell from a mule and was perhaps struck by the mule's hoof. The child, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Guthrie, was riding with an older brother, who was on another horse, when he fell from the animal.
Roy and Everett Thomas, owners of the Thomas Brothers Hardware and Farm Supply store here, have purchased the brick building on the corner of West Second and Highway 62 from Mrs. Ann Hutchins.
Lonnie Ralph Ballard, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard, city, died instantly last Thursday afternoon after being struck by a truck on Highway 67 in north Corning. Lonnie, a ninth grader, enroute home from school, ran in front of a truck driven by Harry Belyew, Jr., of Landmark community, as he attempted to cross the busy highway to reach his father's auto repair shop. Lonnie was seriously injured about five years ago when he was struck by a car at almost the exact place on the highway.
Champ Clark was appointed municipal Judge by the city council at a meeting, Monday night. He succeeds W. M. Wisdom, who died while in office.
William J. Maddox, local letter carrier, retired from active duty Friday, November 30, after completing 30 years of continuous service in Corning and except for three illnesses, he has remained on the job ever since. Maddox saw the postal service grow from a village with two trips over the route daily into the town as it now exists with three carriers making deliveries daily. He has worked under four postmasters, namely George Stanfield, Luicille Stanfield (acting), J. H. Magee and Earl Polk.
Alvey G. Nance, well known Corning businessman, for over a half century, died at his home on West Third Street early Thursday, December 20. He was one of Corning's early meat market owners, operating his own business establishments for many years. In later years, before ill health forced his retirement, he operated a food store on First Street and helped other merchants operate their markets. He came to Corning at the age of 12.
Members of the Chamber of Commerce were unanimous in a move to investigate and seek installation of a radio station for the Corning trade area, Monday night. Sam L. Manatt, president of the Chamber of Commerce, headed the discussion concerning the proposed station.
Woodrow Edington, Route Two farm operator, is the new deputy tax assessor for the Western District.
Edna Kay Burch, 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Burch, was killed accidentally instantly Sunday from a bullet of a rifle held by her 16 year old brother, Robert. The boy had received the .22 pump rifle recently and had been out shooting it Sunday morning. He returned to the family home at Current View community and was ejecting shells from the gun when it accidentally discharged. The girl was in another room. The bullet passed through a door and struck the girl just under the left eyebrow.
The Reverend Curtis K. McClain will arrive in Corning with his family Tuesday, January 29, to begin his pastorate of the First Baptist Church, Corning.
Steel construction work on the new 719 ½ foot steel and reinforced concrete bridge over Black River east of Corning on Highway 62 was recently completed with the final heavy steel suspension girder placed in the center section of the bridge.
A clock thought to be well over 300 years old, with all working parts handmade of wood, is creating a great deal of interest at the Johnson Jewelry Store. It is the property of Porter Sells, whose great-grandfather brought it to America from Germany. The ancient timepiece was all hand-carved, including all the intricate gears, cogs, etc. which show little or no apparent wear, due to type of wood used, accuracy of carving and consistent use of heated wax to lubricate the parts. Sells, who is 75, said the clock has been in his family for five generations. As handed down to him, information relates that his great-grandfather brought the clock with his household possessions. when he joined a colony of 300 German and Irish immigrant families who pioneered their way by oxen-driven wagon train from the Virginias to Kentucky before the state was admitted to the Union in 1792. The colony broke up in Kentucky and the Sells family proceeded with others to Tennessee where they settled, and where Porter Sells' grandfather, Thomas, was born, one of ten children of the elder Sells who never learned to speak English. Port Sells now rents his farm and resides south of Corning near the lake trestle.
Mrs. Opal Keller, 36 year old wife of Thurman A. Keller, farmer residing on Route Two, Corning, died at Doctors Hospital, Poplar Bluff, Monday morning from burns suffered in a flash fire at her home Sunday afternoon. She was burned in a flash fire which followed an explosion of tractor fuel oil which she poured over live coals in a stove at the family home near Hickoria.
Mrs. Ada Pritchard, who was 85 on her last birthday, November 26, has the distinction of being Corning's oldest businesswoman. Mrs. Pritchard remembers Corning when it was so full of ponds that foot bridges were built to get from one section to the other in town, and boys skated on a pond in front of the present high school building. Third Street was then the last street west. She came to Corning with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Adams, from McClain County, Kentucky, in 1880 and settled in Heelstring community. There were no roads, just trails at this time, and they were sticky gumbo mud except on the ridges. The Post Oak road between Corning and Richwoods was later planked, but as time passed it wore out and there was mud again. When she first moved to Corning there were no schools between here and Reyno. The country was covered with white oak, red oak, red gum and black walnut trees. She remembers when a large walnut tree was cut and loaded onto a flat car to be taken to the World's Fair in St. Louis. School districts were later formed in Richwoods, Woodall and Moark communities, she said, and a large rough box church stood at Richwoods, pastored by a pioneer Methodist preacher named Phipps. In 1891 she married Dr. R. Pritchard, a practicing physician here, in a ceremony performed on June 17 in the Corning Methodist Church, then a frame building by the Rev. DeJalma Leake.
Arthur Murphy, age 62, Black River fisherman, who resides in his cabin just south of the Missouri Pacific bridge three miles south of Corning, was reported fighting for his life in a St. Louis Veterans Hospital, Wednesday, as a result of a gunshot wound he received early Sunday night while sitting in his cabin. He was shot under mysterious circumstances which officers in their investigation have found no definite leads. He was seated at his dining table eating a fish sandwich at seven Sunday night when someone fired a bullet through a rear window. The bullet entered his back near the left shoulder, passed through his chest just above the heart, and lodged under the skin near his windpipe. No motive for the attempt to kill Murphy has been advanced other than robbery. He recently sold about 25 acres of river front land where he lives to Ralph Mitchell of Paragould and deposited $400 in the Corning Bank about two weeks ago, after making the sale.
The St. Matthew's Lutheran Church congregation has purchased the 50 by 150 foot vacant lots on US Highway 67, north of Sprague Field, for the future site of a new, modern church building. The property was sold by H. M. Day.
Floodwaters from the Current and Black Rivers, east and west of Corning, have caused untold damage the past ten days since both rivers reached highest overflow stages since 1947. Success was practically isolated. The only contact with the outside world was one mail truck daily, which had to be pulled through floodwaters two days to reach the community 12 miles west of Corning.
The Corning Junior Chamber of Commerce, recently organized, will meet at the school cafeteria, Friday night, to adopt constitution and by-laws. Thirty four members joined at the first meeting with about 45 more potential members here. Officers are R. D. Shelton, Jr., first vice president; Eddie Poe Crafton, treasurer; Dr. Jack Cash, president; Gerald G. Morgan, board member; M. B. Ainley, Jr., board member and Sam Manatt, Jr., board member.
Mrs. Mary E. Keller, wife of L. K. Keller of Hickoria, died Monday morning at Doctors Hospital, Poplar Bluff, from burns received while burning trash at her home earlier that morning.
P. A. Fitzgerald, familiarly known here as "Grandpa" celebrated his 91st birth anniversary Monday, April 15, by pursuing his favorite pastime, that of working at his newsstand in the Morgan Pharmacy.
The Chamber of Commerce met Monday to authorize the deeding of the new addition of Corning Cemetery to the City of Corning. The property is being transferred by C. R. Black, who financed and supervised the new addition in the north end of the Cemetery.
Fifty-six graduate from Corning High School: Jimmie Bartlett, Darlene Goodman, Harold Crawley, Maxine Onstead, Jane Goodman, Ben Baker, Glenna Hawkins, Donald McFann, Shirley Phelan, Danny Bennett, Betty Jean Herring, Phillip Selig, Nancy Wisdom. Wilma Smith, Jimmie Ermert, Catherine Holt, Letha Wiedeman. Jerry Berry, Patsy Smith, Harold Bauschlicher, Jerry Ermert, June Ward, Helen Crawley, David Blackburn, Darla Jean Glass, John Briney, Jr., Celestial Jackson, Anita Roberts, Betty Ruth Catt, Mack Laughlin, Gwendylene Bartlett, Farris Ward, Carolyn Watson, Grant Robertson, Phyllis Cavenar, Marilyn Ahrent, Thelma Prince, Richard Shepard, Jo Ann Leonard, Don Wilson, Harold Wales, Ladoin Johnson, Ruth Harpole, Doris Roach, Louise Guthrey, Loretta Jackson, Sandra Bowers, Dana Sue Rhodes, Rebecca Phelan, Barbara Jean Pierce, Caroline Moore, Patricia Ennis, Donna Moore, John Sherman, Vessie Lee Brooks, Virgil Shepard, Imogene Cochran, Frank Dodge and Donald Hubbard.
The first car to cross over the new US 62 Black River bridge after it was officially opened to traffic last Thursday was driven by Cecil Eaton.
Napolian B. Conway, age 76, drowned in Black River, Friday afternoon, May 17, when he accidentally ran his car into the river. Conway, who operated a store and fishing camp on the river had been sitting in his car, and the accident occurred as he was moving the car out of the sun.
L. F. Cochran completed a transaction which changed ownership of the 40 by 75 foot building housing the Cochran's Super Market to F. E. Belford of Reyno. Cochran did not sell the stock and fixtures but has leased the building from Belford. He purchased the business location in 1947 from the late W. M. Fowler.
The average daily attendance in the Corning School District was 1,467 during the past school year. This is an increase of 46 students over the 1955-56 year.
The city council has adopted a resolution whereby property owners may now have streets running in front of their property paved with asphalt at a low cost of $100 per 300 foot block.
The Corning Jaycees met at the Clay County Electric Co-op general office building Tuesday night and passed on plans to clear off and provide a picnic area at the lower end of Corning Lake for public use, H. J. Pillow, Jr., in charge of publicity, said. E. Button has agreed to lease the land without charge, and the Jaycees will clean up the land, construct a boat dock, permanent concrete picnic tables, trash receptacles and other improvements to provide a suitable lake front picnic area with ample shade trees.
Carl T. Walker, former principal of the Corning High School, will return to the local school this year to again serve as principal, a position he held from 1949 until 1956.
Local barbers are raising prices of haircuts from 75 cents to $1, effective Thursday morning of this week.
The Board of Directors of the Corning Chamber of Commerce met last Friday, electing John Allan Magee, president and Buel Smith, vice president, of the Chamber for the ensuing year.
Two young men dressed in similar jackets and caps held up the Jo-Jo filling station at 3:30 Monday morning, robbing the attendant Leroy Thomas of $114 and after forcing a juke box and soft drink machine, emptied the tills of an estimated $30 to $50. They overlooked several rolls of silver coins in one of the machines, Roy C. Barnhill, owner, said.
The Rhea Hotel and real estate, located on West First Street here, was recently sold to A. L. Drilling by the former owner Mrs. C. E. Rhea. Drilling said he plans to tear down the building in the near future. His plans for building on the site are indefinite, he said. The Rhea Hotel is one of Corning's oldest business structures, which formerly was located on East First Street north of the Sam Neill concrete building. It was originally operated as a hotel by the late Joe Carter and was built by D. N. Thomas, early Corning building contractor, about 90 years ago. The building was brought by C. E. Rhea and moved to its present location about 32 years ago.
The Northeast Arkansas Livestock Marketing Association's first annual feeder calf sale will be held September 16 this year in its own new facilities which are under construction four miles southeast of Corning on Highway 135.
The DX Oil Company's agency here was sold Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Luther M. Burpo of Cache Lake community. Former owners and operators were Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hester.
Members of the Business and Professional Women's Club have named Mrs. Tula H. Mahan as their "Women of the Week".
Mrs. Myrtle Snider, teacher in Corning Elementary School, has recently sold her first novel, "Miss Myrtle Was Paid," to the Comet Press Publishing Co. of New York. The book is to be released in November.
The Knobel Milling Company was burglarized last Wednesday night when thieves knocked the combination off the company's safe to get only $55 in change.
Aubrey Arnold suffered a compound fracture of the left leg, below the knee, when a bean cleaner tank loaded with beans fell on him at the Corning Co-op Gin last Saturday afternoon.
Construction work of renovating the courthouse steeple is underway here with workmen now replacing old woodwork, shutters, tuck pointing the brick walls and other necessary repairs, on orders from County Judge Frank Carpenter. A 60-foot scaffold is being used by workmen on the job.
The heaviest death toll of any highway accident ever to happen here took the lives of six Maywood, Ill., Negroes, six miles west of Corning on US 67 on Thanksgiving Day. The accident occurred near the Grassylead Church at one o'clock Thursday afternoon.
Lowell F. Cochran, Corning business civic and church leader for 17 years, died Thursday, December 12, at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis.
Historical Facts About People of West Clay County in 1890 in the April 25, 1957 issue of the Courier. The following is reprinted from one of the few copies still in existence in this area entitled, Biographical and Historical Memoir of Northeast Arkansas, printed in 1889 by the Goodspeed Publishing Company. The book is owned by Jack Hurst of Rector. It contains a wealth of rare information about prominent citizens in northeast Arkansas at that time. The information here is only a token of the voluminous data contained in the book and only about people mentioned in our immediate vicinity.
"Clay County lies in the northeast corner of the State with a strip of broken or hilly lands, averaging between seven and eight miles in width, known as Crowley's Ridge, extends through the county in a southwesterly direction from its northeast corner. The village of Knobel is 181 [281] feet above sea level, and this is about the, average elevation of all except the hilly portions of the county. The highest point in the county may reach an elevation of 400 feet above the sea. The entire county was originally covered with a dense forest, consisting of several varieties of trees. Some trees of the largest kinds of timber measured four to six feet across the stump. Much of the timber has been cut into logs and floated down the streams and thus shipped away; and since the county has been traversed with railroads, a great deal has been cut into lumber and shipped by rail, and there is yet a seemingly inexhaustible supply. The soil of the entire county is moderately rich and fertile. At present the cutting and shipping of logs and lumber, with the running of many sawmills in the county give employment to a large number of men and forms a source of considerable revenue to the people of the county. Surely, "Cotton is King" in Clay County, as it is the moneyed crop, and the source of the greatest income.
"In 1880 the real estate of the county was assessed at $468,651 and the personal property at $224,717, making a total of $713,278; and the total taxes changed there were $10,022. By 1889 the taxable, property and taxes charged had more than doubled. There are 26 saw mills and eight have factories within the county.
"In 1880 the population of Clay County was, white 7,191, colored 22, total 7,213. Since that time immigration has so increased that the population at this writing (1889) is estimated at about double that of 1880.
"The settlement of the territory composing Clay County began about the year 1832, but increased very slowly for the first 20 years after which it advanced quite rapidly, until the outbreak of the Civil War. Among the first settler in the western part of the county were John J. Griffin, who located on Black River in 1832, and Abraham Roberts, who settled a few years later near the present site of Corning.
"Having lost the county seat, the people of Corning and the western portion of the county, finding it difficult to reach Boydsville, commenced to consider the question of dividing the county into two districts. Consequently the legislature, by an act approved February 23, 1881, provided that the county should be divided into two judicial districts, the east and the west.
"Clay County was organized as Clayton County, in accordance with an act of the General Assembly, approved March 24, 1973. By an act of the General Assembly of the State, approved December 6, 1875, the name of Clayton County was changed to Clay. The county seat was originally located at Corning, on the lot of ground now occupied by the present courthouse in that place. A temporary frame courthouse, 22 by 40 feet, containing two rooms was built. A common jail was also erected; subsequently the question of removal of the county seat to Boydsville, a more central point, began to be agitated, and on the 30th of June, 1874, an election was held for the purpose of submitting the question to the electors of the county. The majority voted for removal and the court declared Boydsville, to be the county seat. However, such strong resistance to this decision was manifested that no permanent removal of records was made for a long time. Finally, after a pause of a few years, the question was again submitted to the people at an election held May 22, 1877, on which occasion the majority again voted in favor of the project and the court again declared Boydsville to be the county seat, to which place the records were soon removed and placed in a temporary courthouse.
"Following is a list of the county officers of Clay County, from its formation to the present time (1889) - Judges: T. M. Holifield, E. M. Royall, Robert Liddell; Clerks, T. L. Martin, W. H. Smith, R. Liddell; Sheriffs, William G. Akers, E. N. Royall, E. M. Allen, J. A. McNeil, B. B. Biffle; Treasurers, William Little, James Blackshare, John Bearden, N. J. Burton, W. S. Blackshare, J. S. Simpson and A. L. Blackshare; Coroners, J. Cunningham, J. J. Payne, J. N. Cummins, H. W. Cagle, Dallas Taylor, D. G. See; Surveyors, W. C. Grimsley, E. M. Allen, Jr., A. J. Caldwell, E. M. Allen, A. Williams; Assessors. E. N. Royall, J. S. Rodgers, W. H. Mack, J. W. Rodgers, Henry Holcomb and J. S. Blackshare.
"Politically the county of Clay, is strongly Democratic. The local bar of Clay County consists of G. B. Holifield, Boydsville; F. G. Taylor, G. B. Oliver and J. C. Staley, Corning; John Jones, Peach Orchard; H. W. Moore, Greenway and J. A. Barlow, Rector.
"Only two men have been legally executed in Clay County for the crime of murder. They were hanged, one in south Corning and one in north Corning. Other crimes have been committed within the county, for which the perpetrators have received lighter punishments.
"The territory over which Clay extends was slightly over run and devastated during the Civil War of 1861-65.
"Of the towns of the county, Corning, the seat of justice for the Western District was established in 1873. It contains the courthouse and jail, six general stores, two drug stores, one grocery, three saloons, one livery stable, four hotels, one stave factory, two cotton gins with grist mills attached, one wagon shop, one blacksmith shop, two shoe shops, three church organizations, Methodist Episcopal, Christian and Baptist, with but one church edifice, belonging to the Methodists, one school house, post office and a population of 600.
"The Corning Index, a six-column folio weekly newspaper, at Corning, was established in the fall of 1887. It is published by Clyde C. Estes and edited by his father, E. D. Estes, in an acceptable manner, indicating ability and force.
"Some of the first settlers of Clay County are as follows: S. W. Alexander, manufacturer and dealer in lumber, railroad ties, wagons, agricultural implements, car material, etc. at Corning; J. H. Allen, farmer and stockman of Clay County; Captain John J. Allen, merchant, sawmill operator; Joshua Bare, farmer and stock raiser of St. Francis Township; W. F. Barnes, undertaker and furniture dealer of Corning; Zachariah T. Bearden, merchant; B. B. Biffle, sheriff of Clay County; Sylvanus Bishop, wagon maker, painter and farmer; James Blackshare, farmer; W. S. Blackshare, milling and stave manufacturer; Larry Boshears, planter and stockman; Giles Bowers, carpenter and builder of Boydsville; C. Fred Brobst, the present mayor of Corning; J. W. Brown, farmer.
"William C. Cochran, merchant of Greenway; Robert L. Coleman, proprietor of Piggott Hotel; G. W. Cook, a successful agriculturist and stockman; Joseph Dudgeon, proprietor of the Dudgeon House;. Frederick Ermert, farmer; John M. Gleghorn, farmer; W. T. Griffith, lumber man and postmaster; J. W. Harb, merchant; Marcellus Ketchum, hotel keeper and farmer; John S. Magee, farmer; W. R. Paty, farmer; Dr. Henry C. Redwine, physician; Isaac Reed, blacksmith and wagon maker; B. H. Sellmeyer and Brothers, merchants; A. R. Simpson, M. D., physician and surgeon: J. B. Smith, planter and stockman; C. W. Woodall, planter and stockman; and William Wynn, planter and stock dealer."
The Magee Company, manufacturers of framed pictures, has moved into the Hastings metal quonset building on West Second Street, across from the Corning Co-op Gin.
Corning area residents will have an opportunity to decide whether or not they want a factory with sizable payroll in the near future, as a result of plans presented by the industrial committees of the Corning Chamber of Commerce and Junior Chamber of Commerce at a joint meeting held Monday night.
The Corning Junior and Senior Chambers of Commerce are now seeking pledges for $50,000 to underwrite a factory building for the Corning trade area. If you are interested and desire to contribute to the factory fund proposed to employ some 200 persons at annual pay roll of approximately $400,000 please contact the Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Corning.
The Federal Communications Commission has received an application for a new radio station at Corning. Eulis W. Cochran of Corning asked permission to operate a station. It would be a daytime station and would broadcast at 1260 kilocycles on a power of 500 watts. A four and one half acres plot at the south end of West Second Street was a recently purchased from Gerald Dudgeon of Detroit by Cochran for the site of the radio station.
Dr. H. W. Morrow, is the new dentist taking over the offices and practices of Dr. Joe Sain. Dr. and Mrs. Sain are moving to Lakeland, Florida, where he will practice dentistry.
At a meeting of the Four Seasons Garden Club Thursday, Mrs. Charles Cox, chairman of the committee to place a wrought iron arch over the entrance to Corning Cemetery, announced that the total amount of money needed, $547.50, had been raised.
The city paved some 35 and three-fourths blocks last summer with some extra construction work on street sides, according to Mayor Frank Johnson.
At a special called meeting the city council approved purchase of two lots on Main Street between West First and Second Streets, between Oliver and Co. and King's Radio and TV Shop, from L. U. King. The property, 100 by 150 feet, facing Main Street, will be used in the near future for the construction of a modern city hall building, Mayor Frank Johnson said.
A new motor driven rotary sewer cleaning machine has been purchased by the City of Corning at a cost of $1,400. The machine will remove roots as well as clean out sludge and other objects from the sewers, some as old as 30 years, which have been operating about 50 percent of capacity, causing stoppages in the lines and causing backups in some homes in some sections of the city.
Donald Joe Herren, age 24, was killed instantly early Tuesday morning when he apparently jumped off Mo-Pac Mail Train No. 37. His body was found two hours later, lying some 300 feet north of the railroad station by Olen Richardson, driver for Gulf Oil Company as he was reporting for work.
Work was started Tuesday on a new Cash Clinic and Morgan Pharmacy Building on the corner of West Second and Pine Streets, across from the Clay County Cotton Company building. It will be in two units; one will be a 32 by 72 foot structure that will house the offices of Dr. Jack Q. Cash, with adjoining rooms for complete laboratory and x-ray facilities, delivery rooms, waiting room, rest rooms and four examination rooms. The ten-room section will face West on Second Street. The Morgan Pharmacy will occupy the pharmacy building which will be constructed on the corner of West Second and Pine, with entrance on the northwest corner. It will be 40 by 40 feet in size. The two buildings being built by Dr. Cash and Gerald Morgan will be modern in every respect. J. D. Taylor is the building contractor.
Sam B. Neill, age 85, retired businessman, died at his home in east Corning Saturday night. He was one of Corning's early business leaders, operating several businesses during his active years. He came to Corning to attend school. Later he worked at the long extinct Ferguson Wheeler Store for many years, then was a partner in the grocery business here before becoming a traveling salesman for the Scudder Gale Grocery Co., St. Louis, Woodard Hardware Co., Cairo, and Gilderwood and Hasser Hardware Co., St. Louis. He operated his own wholesale grocery business here for five years before retiring. He was one of Corning's first street lamplighters before the turn of the century, when he carried a six foot ladder and five gallon can of oil to light Corning's scattered 24 oil street lamps.
The Crystal Drug Store, one of Corning's oldest business establishments, was sold by the Loren Russ estate last week to Loren Garland, operator of the drug store. It was originally operated well over a half century ago as Staley's Drug Store and has since been operated as a drug store by P. L. Oliver, T. G. Bridges and the present owner, Loren Garland.
The two story concrete block building housing the Rhea Rooming House, on West Second Street, has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Eulis Cochran.
Construction work was started Wednesday morning on a 35.6 by 47.10 foot brick building to house the offices of Dr. Reginald Smith and Dr. R. E. Smith, father and son physicians. The new building to face south on Elm Street, next to the Crystal Drug Store, will have two separate partitions of offices.
Funeral services were held Saturday for Jonathan Michael Rhea, age 86, who died Wednesday, March 23. He was owner and operator of the Rhea Hardware here from 1906 until 1946 when he retired. A member of the Christian Church here for over 50 years, he served as official board member and treasurer. He was also a member of the Masonic and Oddfellow Lodges. He was a son of Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Michael Rhea, early settlers in Maynard, where Dr. Rhea was a practicing physician. After the death of his father, Mr. Rhea moved to Corning at the age of 13. Working as a clerk in the Oliver and Company store here for many years, he entered the harness business after the death of his father in law, D. W. Vickery, a pioneer harness maker and dealer here.
The city water tank is now undergoing a thorough reconditioning, repairing and repainting. The entire tank, inside and outside, is being renovated, with the Dixie Tank and Tower Company workmen, of Memphis, doing the work. All seams which were riveted in the 30 year old tank are being electric welded which the tank company estimates will repair the tank to condition that will compare with a new one. It is estimated that further repairs will not be necessary for 30 years.
James H. (Doc) Bolen, Gobler, Mo., was sentenced to ten years in the state penitentiary during a continued term of Clay County Circuit Court here Tuesday. Bolen was taken into custody last November while driving here to Corning with stolen firearms and other merchandise in his possession.
Acreage for cucumber production will be signed up with local farmers Saturday, April 26, by the Corning Junior Chamber of Commerce, with the goal of 150 acres to be planted on or about May 10. S. Stahl of Springfield, Mo., who originally planned to move his pickle plant here this spring but was unable to close out his business and property holdings there in time, will buy the complete acreage at prices originally contracted, or $1.50 per bushel for cucumbers ranging in size from three-fourths inch to one and three-fourths inches in diameter. Stahl plans to move his plant here as soon as he can sell his holdings at Springfield.
A record attendance of 65 were present at the Monday night meeting of the Junior Chamber of Commerce when final plans were completed for the Teenage Road-E-O. Members of the Jaycees voted Leon Foster, manager of the Corning Rice Drying Co-op, as Jaycee of the Year in Corning.
One's hobby rarely turns into a profitable source of income for the family, but the John Allen Magee family's hobby of picture framing has done just that. The Magees became interested in framing some prints for their own home five years ago, and the venture was so successful and interesting that they decided to frame pictures for display in the Magee Furniture Store. The prints were framed and finished by hand which was a slow and tedious process, turning out about two dozen per week. The venture at first was a hobby to John Allen and Rachel Magee. The business has grown until today it can be classified as a growing industry with outlets in practically all of the 48 states.
Mrs. Tom Dodd died Wednesday morning of third degree burns received last Thursday morning when her clothing caught fire from a lighted burner of a gas range while cooking at her home on West Third Street.
A DeMolay Chapter will be organized here Saturday afternoon with approximately 20 Corning boys being initiated into the DeMolay order. Officers will be installed and temporary charter issued for the local chapter during the afternoon ceremony.
Candidates for graduation at C.H.S.: Jimmy Arnold, Charles Black, Joe Keith Bridgeforth, Floyd Buffington, Don Brewer, Eugene Cavitt, Alvidean Clarkson, Marvin Cobb, Willis Coleman, Bill Couch, Bob Davis, John Ed Ennis, Donny Forrest, Buddy Guthrey, Norman Handwork, Danny King, Jimmy Kirby, Aubrey E. Mansker, Jr., Darrel Parrish, Charles Phillips, Tommy Pond, Reuben Reed, Richard Robinson, Jimmy Talkington, Louie Walls, Jerry Williams, Kenneth Paul Willis, Kippy Woods, Sharon Bellah, Peggy Jean Besson, Genendal Bolen, Betty Boyer, Ida Mae Brownfield, Jane Burton, Amelia Byars, Berdie Jean Cato, Kay Frances Cochran, Judy Huddleston, Vauntila James, Marcia Johnson, Mary Julian, Linda Kimes, Joyce long, Wilma Lunsford, Bettye Mason, Joyce Mitchell, Janet Morrison, Sharon Ruff, Willie Sheeks, Winnie Sheeks, Carolyn Smith, Nina Lee Smith, Norma Thomas, Shirley Thomas, Lolita Tyler, Nancie Wright.
Mrs. J. W. Baynham recently sold the Corning Novelty Company building, where she manufactured pool tables for a number of years, to the J. W. Black Lumber Co. Mrs. Baynham is retiring from business after 40 years, on account of failing health.
Polk Chevrolet Company has been officially appointed Pontiac dealers for Clay County.
Scottie Manatt, 14, is the second Corning Boy Scout to receive the Eagle award. The ceremony was held after a dinner in Scottie's honor held by the Troop 10 committee at the Towne House.
Announcement is made that Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Johnson of Middlebrook have sold their extensive farming interests, 1,200 acres located near Middlebrook and 880 acres near Poynor, Mo., to Dr. R. L. Wood of Corning. The sale included the purchase of about 250 head of purebred Hereford cattle and 50 registered Hampshire hogs.
Miss Zerna Marie Blackburn, 17, was named Miss Independence Day at the homecoming celebration on July 4th. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackburn.
Dr. R. L. Wood, retired physician and member of the American Medical Association, has become one of the largest land owner-farm operators in northeast Arkansas. Dr. Wood had acquired farm and timber land totaling 6,526 acres as of June 1, 1958, value estimated at more than $750,000. Dr. Wood retired due to ill health in 1950, moved here with his wife in 1955 and started buying land shortly after his arrival. Dr. Wood's holdings in west and north Randolph Counties to date are 40 acres of cleared land bought from W. H. Foster; 30 acres adjacent to the Brownfiel farm bought from Freda Belford; 300 acres purchased in 1956 from J. H. Foster southwest of Corning now in rice and beans; 80 acres southwest of Corning in 1956, mostly in woods; 503 acres bought from Joe Kieser, east of Neelyville, which is uncleared; 784 acres from Walter Adams, Knobel and 48 acres from Gladys Cooper, Knobel, in 1955, which is predominately in rice with small allotment for cotton; 565 acres on the Wild Hog Road southeast of Corning from C. R. Fortenberry in 1956 which is in rice and beans; 890 acres bought from J. Gallegly, in rice beans and cotton; 1,101 acres of rice and beans with small cotton allotment bought from Walter Hastings in 1955.
Dr. and Mrs. B. C. Page and son, William, have moved to 307 West Fourth Street and he is now associated with Dr. Jack Cash in the Cash Clinic here. Dr. Page is a graduate of the U. of A. Medical School. He interned at the University Hospital in Little Rock and has been practicing medicine the past three years at Bauxite.
The announcement is made of an agreement between the Corning School Board and the Board of Stewards of the First Methodist Church for the use of two class rooms by the high school during this coming year. The high school plant is no longer adequate to house the rapidly increasing enrollment in the upper six grades of the school. One more additional classroom outside the campus, other than the two at the Methodist Church, may be necessary, according to M. D. Forrest, superintendent. If this is true, there is a possibility that a room over the bank may be used.
The Cash Clinic is now located in its newly constructed pink Roman brick building located on West Second Streets, one block north of the former location.
Dr. Ray Stith is the new optician in Corning. He has offices in the former location of Dr. Luther Petty in the Scrivner Building on West Second Street.
Double funeral services were held at the Moark Baptist Church Sunday afternoon for Clifford Otto Dunn, age 51, and his wife, Minnie Lee Dunn, also 51. They were killed last Thursday morning when their car was hit by another car driven north by L. J. Spearman, 22 year old Negro of Milwaukee, who received only minor injuries.
Five hundred and 47 men and women between the ages of 18 and 40 registered for employment here last Thursday and Friday when the Chamber of Commerce-sponsored registration day was held in the move for industry in Corning. Representatives of a shoe factory, tentatively planning to locate in Corning, were on hand to interview the applicants and give sampling IQ tests to two out of every five of those registering. The five factory representatives who gave the tests and registered the applicants said the tests were above average.
The first baby born at the new Cash Clinic here was Charles Richard Beck, seven and one-half pound son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck of Rockford, Ill., born at noon Wednesday, August 27, 1958. Dr. B. C. Page was the attending physician.
O. L. Woods was reelected president of the Board of Directors of the Corning Grain Dryers Association here Monday. He is one of the original organizers of the $530,000 plant constructed here four years ago.
Work should be completed on a Clay County Highway 62, east of Corning, project within the next ten days. The project begins approximately one and one-half miles east of Corning and extends approximately 1.799 miles easterly across the Black River partially on the new location of Highway 62 to the Junction of Highway 135.
Details for the location of a shoe factory in Corning have not been completed. However, the Corning Industrial Development Commission is working with shoe plant officials and details are expected to be completed within a few days. Members of the Corning Industrial Development Committee are: Sam Manatt, president; J. E. Ballenger, secretary; Jim Richardson, vice president. Board of directors are O. L. Woods, Leon Foster, Buel Smith and Bryan McCallen.
Lonnie Smith is the new minister of the Corning Church of Christ, following Boyd Morgan who recently resigned to take the ministry of the Kennett Church of Christ.
Miss Edith Bennett has been named "Woman of the Year" by the Corning Business and Professional Women's Club.
M. D. Forrest is the new president of the Corning Chamber of Commerce, succeeding John A. Magee.
Two weeks of intensive work has brought our factory fund drive committee to within approximately 80 percent of our goal. We began the fund raising campaign with the full realization that the last ten thousand dollars would be the most difficult to come by. Practically all of the larger donors have come through, and now we must look to the small contributions to reach the goal. We need to wind up our drive in ten days if at all possible. You who have not yet contributed, please give us a boost on this last ten thousand. We want to be in a position just as soon as possible to report to the company that we are "ready to go."
Dr. R. L. Wood bought the Foster Welding and Blacksmith Shop from Gerald Foster. He plans to construct a concrete and steel building on the comer of a ten acre plot, north of the Harold Implement Co. on US Highway 67 North, he recently purchased from L. A. Scrivner.
Mack Blackwood and B. D. Bone, owners of the Blackwood and Bone Hardware and Furniture Store, have bought the 100 by 134 foot lots located on West First Street from A. L. Drilling and will soon start construction of a 70 by 100 foot modern concrete and brick building to house their store.
E. W. Cochran and son, Bob Cochran, have purchased the 50 by 150 foot lot located to the rear of the present location of the Blackwood and Bone Hardware and Furniture Store from Mack Blackwood and B. D. Bone.
D. A. Snider was reelected city marshal for the seventh term in Tuesday's municipal election, receiving 292 votes. His opponent, Joe Julian, received 107 votes. In the only other municipal race, Ed C. Eldracker was reelected city councilmen by a plurality of only four votes over his opponent, W. T. Garland, Jr. The count was, Eldracker, 193 and Garland 189. Other councilmen elected without opposition were Sam Manatt, Jr., Dan T. Lynch and Thomas George. Mayor Frank L. Johnson; city recorder, O. J. Harold and city attorney, Bryan McCallen were reelected without opposition.
Dr. Jacob Sass Schirmer, age 73, died at Atlanta, Ga. Saturday morning where he had operated a clinic for the past four years. Dr. Schirmer operated a hospital in Corning from August 1, 1936 until he moved to Atlanta in 1955.
Sebald Stahl and son, Fred Stahl, of Springfield, Mo., owners of the Springfield Pickle Co., were here Saturday to confer with members of the Corning Jaycee committee in the interest of locating a pickle processing plant in Corning. Sam Manatt, Jr., Jaycee committee chairman, conducted the meeting which was attended by other Jaycee members and local businessmen interested in the proposed plant here.
The Corning Industrial Development Corporation has completed negotiations and signed a contract with the Clayton Shoe Co. of St. Louis for the construction of a modern steel, brick and aluminum building to house the company's factory here. It will be located on the airport property, just west of Wynn Park, purchased from O. L. Woods, and will be 150 feet wide and 200 feet long, to cover 30,000 square feet of floor space, at a cost of $75,000. Brown and Shortlee, building contractors of Newport were the successful low bidders for the general contract. J. D. Taylor, local building contractor, is subcontractor for the concrete work. Other subcontracts are to be let for installation of electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning facilities. At the outset of the operations, the Clayton Company expects to employ some 100 to 150, with 60 percent women and 40 percent men. The plant is being constructed and equipped to employ 300 or more workers, who will be added according to the demands of production. Financing was accomplished by subscriptions from local civic minded citizens in the amount of approximately $85,000, Corning's share in the $150,000 building project. Of this amount $75,000 will be paid for actual construction of building and purchases of real estate and the remaining $10,000 will be used to pay legal service fees, plus expenses incidental to sale of the bonds to provide the balance of construction costs and incidental expenses. The Clayton Company has contracted to retire the bonds in the next 12 years, paying interest at the rate of four and one-half percent. The local industrial committee has contracted to underwrite the remaining rate of interest which is expected to be, about one and one-half percent, depending on the rate obtained in the sale of the outstanding bonds. The Corning committee negotiated the sale of the bonds through the AIDC at Little Rock on Monday of this week.
Only 454 voters turned out for the Corning School District election last Saturday to elect one school board member. Thomas George was reelected for another five year term, receiving 283 votes over his opponent, Charles R. Black, Jr., who received 171 votes.
D. L. Ousnamer received a plaque for 34 years service as Esso Standard wholesale dealer in the Corning area. During that time Ousnamer has seen the industry develop from two refined products - gasoline and kerosene - to three grades of gasoline and kerosene, tractor fuel, diesel fuel and Varsol, a cleaning solvent. Ousnamer started the business in October 1924, when he had to cross Black River on a ferry to get to Knobel, Peach Orchard, Delaplaine, McDougal and Hickoria to serve his customers. He had the first tank truck in the county with a three compartment capacity total of 223 gallons, and 150 gallons of gasoline was a large sale for a service station at that time. In the summer of 1925 and 26 when traveling between Reyno and Biggers, the sand was so deep that his Model T truck with wood frame, no doors and crank starter, would stall and he had to use a large funnel, part of his regular equipment, to scoop the sand from in front of the wheels for sometimes as far as 20 feet. When, Ousnamer started with the company there were no farm tractors in this area; now there are no horses and mules.
Corning grain growers bought stock amounting to approximately $100,000 last Wednesday, to assure the construction, of a $500,000 soybean drying and storage plant here. The move for the 450,000 bushel plant was started here several weeks, ago, spearheaded by the Board of Directors of the Corning Rice Drying Co-op. Location of the new soybean plant will be just south of the Corning Rice Drying Plant here, on the same property owned by the Co-op.
Stephen's Cleaners was sold last week to Gene Hadley by the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Stephens, of Fort Worth, Texas, who operated the business here for many years.
Dr. R. L. Wood, local farm operator and stock raiser, has added to his herds, on the J-J Ranch near Middlebrook, ten head of the famous Santa Gertrudis cattle, which he bought from the Winrock Farms near Morrilton. The nine heifers and one bull, 20 months old, have been placed on the Double J for further increasing the Santa Gertrudis breed which originated in King County, Texas, after some 45 years of experimenting in various crosses of Brahman and Shorthorn cattle.
Paul Johansen, executive vice president of the Johansen Shoe Company, St. Louis, spoke to about 75 members of the Corning Chamber of Commerce, Jaycees, wives and guests at an open meeting at the school cafeteria, Monday night. Johansen said that the contractor is waiting for favorable weather conditions to continue construction work on the Clayton Shoe Company building, a branch factory of the Johansen Shoe Company, which will locate here as an Arkansas Corporation.
The Clay County Electric Cooperative Corporation announces the employment of Mrs. Wanda Smithson to work in the capacity as home electrification advisor. Mrs. Smithson was born at Success, graduated from Corning High School and attended Arkansas State College in Jonesboro.
Corning area residents were shocked and saddened by the news of the tragic death of Frank Johnson, age 46, popular and highly respected mayor of Corning since 1950. He died at six o'clock Tuesday morning from accidental gun shot wounds received about 3:45 Sunday afternoon while hunting alone and training a bird dog in a field on the Rhea farm about one mile north of Corning.
The Junior Chamber of Commerce has completed negotiations with an established firm to move its industry to Corning provided enough stock or shares in the business can be sold to enlarge the enterprise and build a suitable building to house the industry. The new industry would produce all types of pickles, pickle relishes and possibly pickled onions, sauerkraut and other products, which would furnish a market for local producers of cucumbers, onions and cabbage. The plan, the committee reported, is to incorporate the enterprise with a capital stock of $200,000 of which amount the present owner would invest $120,000 with the local residents participating in the balance of $80,000. Shares are to be sold at $1 per share with no limit in the amount one person may purchase, except the minimum amount which will be 50 shares. Each investor will own his proportionate share of business and each share owner may expect to receive his part of the profits, based upon his investment or number of shares owned. Of the $80,000 raised locally, by the sale of shares, $50,000 would be spent in the construction of the building. Approximately $11,000 would be spent for new equipment and the balance would go into an operating fund and for the purchase of cucumbers.
H. A. (Red) Smith experienced a close call Saturday afternoon when a tandem truck loaded with furniture squares was hit by a Missouri Pacific freight train at a grade crossing near the Black Lumber Company sawmill. Leaving the mill with 17 ton load of squares to be trucked to Indiana, Smith drove onto the track at the high crossing just ahead of the train which was traveling south. He said he saw the train just before it hit his truck in the middle, or at the fifth wheel. The impact of the train separated the truck and trailer and Smith jumped as the truck was flung onto the right of way on the west side of the track. He, apparently was uninjured. The train was delayed about a half an hour while debris was cleared from the cow catcher.
John Bolen Shaver, age 57, Corning Merchant since 1929, died suddenly Thursday afternoon, January 29, while hunting on the Bartlett farm in Ring community, Route Two, east of Corning. His death was attributed to a heart attack..
Mrs. R. O. Smith, local business woman for the past 15 years, announces her candidacy for the office of Mayor of the City of Corning, subject to the action of the voters in a special election on March 3, 1959.
Over 200 local farmers and businessmen attended a meeting sponsored by the Corning Jaycees in the high school auditorium Tuesday night, for the purpose of obtaining a pickle processing plant to serve this area. The meeting was conducted by Leon Foster, Jaycee president, and Lowell Poyner, industrial development chairman.
Fred Hewett, owner of the H and H Auto Parts at Corning and Pocahontas, announces his candidacy for the office of Mayor of Corning, subject to the special election, March 3.
Thomas George, local businessman, announces his candidacy for the office of Mayor of Corning, subject to the special election held Tuesday, March 3.
Corning's new radio station, KCCB, went on the air Wednesday morning after receiving the official notice from the Federal Communications Commission the previous day.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith, Route One, Corning, recently celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary with friends and relatives at their home five and one-half miles west of Corning. They were married in Corning, January 19, 1896, the marriage license being issued by E. D. Estes, grandfather of the Courier publishers who was deputy county clerk at that time. After their marriage they resided in Richwoods where he worked on a farm for several years. Soon they bought a 40 acre farm where the Grassylead church now stands. A brief history of Mr. Smith, who is familiarly known as "Uncle Bill" relates that he was born at Kewanee, Ill. As a young man, he started to New Orleans, La., and due to an epidemic of small pox which had infested the train on which he was traveling, causing many deaths, he left the train at Corning to avoid catching the disease. After looking the town over, principally a few saloons, stores, rooming houses, hotels and sawmills, he decided to stay and seek his fortune. His first job was on a farm in the Richwoods community. For several years he saved his wages and bought his first land. He served many years as a peace officer in the Western District. His first public office was deputy sheriff, in 1901. That was during the era when lawmen were rather scarce and not too popular with certain type of citizens, and the Ku Klux Klan was active in taking law into its own hands. Uncle Bill encountered many hazardous brushes with hardened and desperate criminals, including murderers. He recalls numerous long and arduous chases. One saucy instance was when he went after a man who had murdered his wife near Bridgeport, a Civil War battleground northeast of what is now Success. The murderer boarded a raft of logs being floated down Current River by the late Joe McCracken, pioneer business man of that locality. He followed along the river on horseback to a point in the wilderness south of Biggers, where he took the criminal at gun point and returned him to the county jail at Corning. Uncle Bill recalls another trying time during his long residency here, when a flu epidemic was raging here in 1918. There were only two men in his community who did not contract the disease and he was one of them. Deaths were so numerous among his neighbors that he and the other man worked day and night making coffins and burying the dead. He bought the farm on which his home is located on Highway 67 west of Corning, in 1915, from Tom Boshears, brother of Larry Boshears, pioneer land owners and businessmen in western Clay County.
Fred Hewett, who filed as a candidate in the mayor's race, withdrew as a candidate last Friday.
The next few days may determine whether or not Corning and communities will get a sizable industry that will release some $425,000 in cash into our community each July and August. We will lose this opportunity unless more support and interest is shown immediately in the Corning Jaycee-sponsored Pickle Factory Drive.
Thomas George was elected Mayor of Corning in Tuesday's special election by a close majority of only four votes over his opponent, Mrs. R. O. Smith.
Sam Manatt, Jr., and F. B. Manatt have purchased The Corning Bank stock formerly owned by the L. G. Black families and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Hoffman. Sam Jr. is vice president and cashier and F. B. vice president in the bank. They have been associated in the bank with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Manatt, who purchased controlling interest in 1954.
Fain White was elected member of the city council at a meeting of the council, Friday night. He will fill the 22-month unexpired term of Thomas George who resigned upon being elected Mayor of Corning, March 3.
The Shaver Mercantile Company, Corning's third oldest mercantile establishment, has been sold to Garvin E. Martini of Springdale. He is selling out the entire stock and fixtures.
Thomas L. Gibbs, age 32, was killed instantly at about 9:15 last Saturday morning when a tractor he was driving overturned in a field on the B. D. Bone farm five miles north of Corning.
The Corning Industrial Development Committee, in cooperation with the Jaycees, last Wednesday afternoon signed a contract with Sebald Stahl of Springfield, Mo., in which he agreed to move his pickle plant to Corning in June of this year. The contract also provided that a $250,000 corporation will be set up here to be known as the Corning Pickle Co., Inc.
Services were held Sunday afternoon for Sam Logan Manatt, age 54, Corning banker, civic and business leader who died at his home here at 4:30 Friday morning after an illness of over four months. Manatt came to Corning in January 1954 to assume presidency of the Corning Bank, after purchasing controlling interest from Mrs. F. B. Sprague.
A result of Monday night's meeting of Corning Chamber of Commerce was the decision to assist the Magee Company, makers and distributors of framed pictures, in financing a new building, to house the plant. Richard Polk brought to the attention of the members that the company has been approached by civic organizations in other localities offering support for the relocation of the factory in their vicinity. Polk pointed out that the company needs more space as result of the growth of the business. The 1958 production was three times that of 1957 and January and February alone of this year comprises 36 percent of the total output of 1958. The local company, Polk said, is not asking for financial gifts, only help in obtaining terms to finance a suitable building program in the near future, made necessary by the rapidly expanding business operation. The firm now employees 17 and with needed expansion could employ at least double that number.
With the new St. Matthew's Lutheran church on Highway 67 North nearing completion, cornerstone laying ceremonies were held last Sunday afternoon before a large attendance of the congregation and visiting friends.
The resignation of M. D. Forrest as Superintendent of Schools of the Corning School District is announced today by Dan W. Harold, president of the school board. The resignation is effective June 30, 1959.
A three bedroom house trailer owned by Joe Beasley was wrecked in Sunday's storm. The trailer was lifted off concrete blocks at the front of two lots owned by the Beasleys in north Corning, rolled two or three times and upended, completely demolishing the trailer. The family of five was away from home.
Construction work was started early this week on the new Corning Pickle Works, Inc., building by general construction contractor J. D. Taylor. The new plant will be located on US Highway 67, just north of Corning on property formerly owned by O. L. Woods and sold to the Corning Industrial Development Corporation, which took over the development of the industry for Corning, from the sponsoring organization, the Corning Jaycees.
The Blue Star Memorial plaque, now in its new location at the small roadside park on Highway 67 four miles north of Corning, was dedicated in impressive ceremonies Sunday afternoon. Rev. Don Umfleet, pastor of the First Christian Church, addressed the group of about 300 area residents.
One of the most important assets to befall Corning in the past few years is the foundation of the Corning Nursing Home. The Home is indeed a blessing to many aged and infirm persons who need constant care and attention. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Edwards came to Corning two and a half years ago to establish the new home. M. B. Ainley is the owner. Today the number of patients has grown to 70.
A training school for Clayton Shoe Company employees will be set up in the Rhea Building across from the Corning Bank, possibly by May 18 or sooner. Applications for employment will be taken Friday, May 8 and May 15 in the building formerly occupied by Morgan Pharmacy on West Second Street. Machinery for the training school is being shipped this week and will be installed in the Rhea Building.
Reports are coming in that a black bear has been seen at one or more farm residences and tracks seen the past week at other places in the vicinities of Dell, Stringtown and Brazell communities, northwest of Corning.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Campbell of Alton, Ill., have purchased the house and two lots on West Second Street from Mrs. Ruth Shaver. They plan to erect a business building on the site.
The final class meeting of the Dale Carnegie Course was held Friday night in the Masonic Temple. A steak dinner preceding the meeting was served by members of the Eastern Star to approximately 75 in attendance. The course has been conducted by Bob Allison of Jonesboro, assisted by Buck Livingston and John Daugherty of Malden and Gene Holland of Piggott. The class meeting was called to order by the president J. A. Lillard. Diplomas were given by Mrs. Daugherty to the following graduates: Mrs. Mack C. Blackwood, Mark Bryles, Ray Carr, Mrs. Jack Cash, David R. Clopton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox, Leon Foster, Corbin Gerrish, Kenneth Harmon, Fred Hewett, James Huggins, Adolph Lillard, Gene Magee. E. C. McElvain, H. J. Pillow, Jr., Lowell Poyner, Mrs. Alma Puckett, Bill Reeves, Jimmy D. Smith, Otto Smith, Mrs. Wanda Smithson, J. D. (Red) Taylor, Miss Emily Tharp, Aubrey Ward, A. C. Woods, Miss Betty Woods, James White, Mrs. Adena York, Fain White, Bill Wright, Melvin Yamnitz, Glenn Witcher, Clarence Pringle, Dr. H. W. Morrow and Fred Smith. Alternate graduate assistants were Mark Bryles and James Huggins.
C.H.S. graduates: Donald Arnold, Dorothy Allmandinger, Linda Berry, Zerna Blackburn, Bobby Brown, Danny Burnett, Glenda Burks, Shelby Byrd, Ernest Lee Cobb, Martha Cobb, Jimmie Cole, Anna Cooper, Carolyn Cordell, Lou Joyce Dodd, Virginia Duff, Carolyn Ennis, Brenda Ermert, Melva Gazaway, Donald Grissom, Marjorie Guthrey, Dean Harold, Jerry Hart, Roxann Hays, Janie Holcomb, Charles Hendrix, Larry Hester, Mike Jackson, Geneva James, Fleeta Johnson, Aubrey Johnson, Sandra Kimball, Gale Landreth, Aline Laroe, Carlos Lester, Patricia Luter, Billy Mathis, Benny McGrew, Dorlis Misenhamer, Betty Miller, Paul Moore, Sonja Moore, Judy Morrison, John Mowell Charlotte Nash, George Parks, Aaron Phillips, Rosielee Prince, Darrell Rhea, Kenny Richardson, Billie Cloe Robinson, Freddy Russell, Bill Sears, Jean Ann Shepard, Donis Simpson, Benny Smith, Joyce Smith, Alice Stout, Gene Stout, Jesse Teasley, James Walker, Maude Watson, Betty Ward, James Weller and Bud Willis.
Eleven members of the Jaycettes met at the Clay County Co-op building Tuesday evening for a regular meeting and installation of new officers. Mrs. Bob Cochran, president, conducted the meeting and installed: president, Mrs. Jack Cash; vice-president, Mrs. Charles Cox; treasurer, Mrs. Edward Spence; recording secretary, Mrs. Leon Foster; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Gerald Morgan.
The Corning Jaycees met Monday night at the Clay County Electric Cooperative building and elected the following officers to be installed In the June meeting: Gerald Morgan, president; Marshall E. Young, first vice president; Ray Smith, second vice president; Wm. Ray Carr, treasurer; Mark Bryles, secretary; F. B. Manatt and Dr. Jack Cash, board of directors.
Dallas Hampton, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hampton of McDougal, died shortly after arrival at the Doctors Hospital in Poplar Bluff from injuries received in an accident on Route 62 two miles east of Corning. He was a passenger in a pickup truck driven by his brother, Cletis Hampton, which was involved in an accident with another pickup driven by Fredman Bowers of Corning. Bowers suffered head injuries, fracture of both hips and one arm.
The Corning Chamber of Commerce met Monday night in the Masonic Temple with the meal provided by the Order of the Eastern Star. A report by Joe Ballenger revealed that a site for an Arkansas Highway Department Maintenance Building has been approved by the Highway Department. The Chamber heard a proposal at the meeting that the organization purchase the land for the building.
Mr. and Mrs. Quinn H. Bell are now managing and farming 1,200 acres of land southwest of Corning owned by Dr. R. L. Wood. The Bells came here from the Parkin-West Memphis area where they rice farmed
. Mr. and Mrs. Bell, prior to engaging in Agriculture, were surgical and x-ray technicians at the VA hospitals at Little Rock and Fort Roots.
Charlie Morse, age 56, of Poe, Mo., was killed by a shotgun charge Thursday night by his 79 year old father in law, Claude Gearhart. The shooting was an out growth of an argument over Morse's estranged wife. The fatal shooting took place at Gearhart's house about one mile northeast of Brookings at about 9:00 p.m.
July 1 is set as a tentative date for the opening of the new Clayton Shoe Factory building on Highway 67 West. The first pair of shoes made in Corning, ladies' casuals, are being displayed this week by Rudolph Rivere, of the Clayton Company.
The Clay County Courier was 85 years old Wednesday, July 1. Authentic data, in part, concerning the early publishers of the newspaper is lacking but what seems to be the most accurate account is taken from an article written by T. F. Ray, a former editor and publisher on the 53rd anniversary of the Courier, in 1927. Mr. Ray, who was an uncle of Mrs. W. W. Henry, in writing of the Courier and Clay County residents: "I returned to Clay County in the fall of 1879. The Courier, which has been published at Corning for several years by Dr. Ireland, and later by Winston and McGovern, had suspended, and a few of the Corning citizens learning that I had some experience in newspaper correspondence, persuaded me to enter into that enterprise. I went down to Little Rock and purchased the equipment of the then Advocate, now Courier, which was still housed at Corning, from T. B. Martin. My first edition of the Corning Advocate was, I think, on October 1879, and I continued until the fall of 1855 [sic] when I sold the equipment to J. W. Dollison. He moved it to Rector and published it there for some few years, again as the Clay County Courier, and until it was removed to Corning purchased by E. D. Estes, father of its present owner, C. C. Estes, who since has uninterruptedly printed it at Corning. The Courier's pioneer editor, E. D. Estes, came to Corning in 1873 just after the Civil War but had farmed and taught school prior to purchasing the paper. From his service in the Confederate Army he was called Captain Estes. He later became interested in politics and served as deputy county clerk."
Discovery of the body of nine year old Jim Thompson at five o'clock Wednesday morning 62 hour round the clock the boy who slipped and fell into the water at the confluence of Current and Little Black rivers northwest of Datto.
Dennis L. Berry will establish his law office in the Corning Bank building, second floor, about August 1. He is a 1958 graduate of the University of Arkansas Law School.
Volunteer workers recovered the body of Roberta Williams, 18, drowned at 5 p.m. Tuesday in Black River north of McDougal, shortly before noon Wednesday. She was one of a party of 12, all from around McDougal, who had been swimming in the river Tuesday afternoon. She was the third local person to drown in ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scheer, formerly of Long Beach, Calif., have bought the Cochran's Super Market from Mrs. Frances Cochran and are now operating the modern food store.
Funeral services were held Sunday at the Church of Christ for Eddie Lee Wilder, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilder, who drowned in Corning Lake, Friday afternoon, July 17, about one o'clock. The tragic accident occurred when a boat overturned with the boy and his companion, Bobby Roberts, while they were fishing near the Mo-Pac trestle. The Roberts boy swam to safety.
Houses under construction are those for Mr. and Mrs. Leslie D. Russell, Dr. and Mrs. Jack Cash, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shaver and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pringle. Nearing completion are homes for Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lynch, two rental houses being built by Loren Garland and a rental house being built by Paul Duncan.
The Courier will move into a new location just north of Dr. Richardson's office and south of the Linder Cleaners, or across West Second Street from the post office.
Dedication services for the new St. Matthew Lutheran Church, recently completed on Highway 67 North and Jones Street, will be held Sunday, September 13. The farewell service from the old church three miles north on Highway 67 will be held on the same day, at 8:30 a.m.
Buel Smith, local Ford dealer, is the new president of the Corning Chamber of Commerce for 1959-60.
Polk Chevrolet Company, Inc., local Chevrolet and Pontiac dealers, has purchased a 300 by 200 foot plot on US 67 West, upon which a new steel, masonry and glass garage and showroom building will be constructed as soon as construction bids are turned in and contract let, according to Winfred D. Polk, head of the local firm.
Corning's recently appointed municipal judge is T. G. Bridges, former mayor, alderman, local pharmacist and drug store operator for years. He was appointed by Mayor Thomas George and succeeds C. V. Clark.
The Magee Company, manufacturers of framed pictures, will move to Pocahontas about November 1, where it will be housed in the Salee Implement building.
Mrs. H. E. Bridgeforth is named Corning B. and P. W. Club "Woman of the Year".
The Clayton Shoe Company, Corning's new industrial plant, is now manufacturing and shipping shoes to market with some 50 employees on the job and the payroll and the production gaining each week.
Corning's loss of the grade school building by fire of undetermined origin late Friday afternoon was estimated in monetary value at some $115,000. The loss to the school district, community and students in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades in the second month of the term, is inestimable and will demand an exceptionally heavy load on the school faculty, school board, church groups, school patrons and others who will meet the emergency with determination to see that disruption of the children's school training is held to a minimum. The costly fire came at a time when the school board had just recommended a reduction of three mills in the tax structure, counting on an increase from the recent equalization of personal and real estate taxes. The fire, first noticed at 4:15 p.m. spread so rapidly that it was entirely out of control before the Volunteer Fire Department could answer the call.
Representative E. C. (Took) Gathings spoke to members of the Chamber of Commerce and Jaycees at a joint meeting held in the school cafeteria Monday night. Gathings' subjects were the importance and need for a new post office building for Corning and the work accomplished by the 81st session of Congress.
The Corning Board of Education and Carl T. Walker, superintendent of schools, met with legal advisors on school construction at Little Rock, Friday, October 9.
Ardie Miller 75, retired farmer. was found dead of a gunshot wound at his home here Sunday at 12:10. His wife returned home from church to find her husband on the back porch where it was apparent that he had accidentally shot himself while handling a shotgun.
Carmen Carnahan, 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carnahan who resides about one mile northwest of Corning, was seriously injured when she was struck by a car on US Highway 67 North at 4:30 last Saturday afternoon.
Arthur Floyd Gould, 70 year old Moark resident, was killed at 10:05 Tuesday morning when a Mo-Pac freight train crashed into his 1953 Ford sedan at the Moark railroad crossing. Critically injured in the accident was his granddaughter, Marsha Faye Lucas, age five, who was a passenger in his car.
Julius Spain, Route Two, Corning, was one of the survivors aboard the oil tanker Amoco Virginia, which burned in a disastrous fire in the Houston, Texas, ship channel Sunday. Spain, hospitalized in Houston, swam to safety after jumping into the channel after the ship exploded from gas fumes and burned. Spain, when in port, makes his home with his parents on their farm east of Barnhill Camp on Highway 62.
The Corning Board of Education has completed another step in the preliminary planning of construction a new school building. The board has employed the architectural firm of Haywood Snipes of Poplar Bluff to make a study of the plans and start the preliminary drawings on the new construction.
The Church of Christ has bought the property known as the Letbetter Blacksmith Shop, north of the church building, from Mrs. W. M. Letbetter. Future plans are to build a parsonage building on the property.
County Judge Frank Carpenter heard a petition Tuesday afternoon to incorporate 120 acres of territory lying north of the present north corporate limits and east of US Highway 67. The petition was presented by property owners reading in the Prichard's Second Addition to the city of Corning. The land ordered incorporated by Judge Carpenter comprehends the Prichard's Second Addition and the Sheeks property to the north thereof, together with areas to the south and east thereof.
Fish farming on a large scale is a new experiment on the Clem Cox 3,200 acre farm, formerly owned by Leo Fisher of Sikeston, northeast of Knobel. Cecil Eaton and sons, Cecil Jr. and Hovey, rice farmers there, are operating the experimental project in a man-made lake covering 94 acres on the Cox farm
A record vote was cast in the Corning School District Number Eight election here Tuesday, December 1, to elect Dr. Jack Q. Cash as member of the Board of Education for a term of five years. Harold Riggan was Dr. Cash's opponent.
Buel Smith, president of the Chamber of Commerce, announced at Monday night's meeting that the Chamber has bought a ten acre site on Highway 67, north of Harold Bros. Implement building, for future industrial expansion of our city. The property was purchased from Dr. R. L. Wood for $7,500 it was announced.
Corning was flooded with silver dollars and two-dollar bills during the last two weekends. The reason: the Black Lumber Company's payroll, all paid in silver dollars two weeks ago, and last week's payroll, plus Christmas bonus, in two-dollar bills.
From a (translated?) autobiography blog:
I was born at #59 Chojang-Dong. Gwanju-myun, jungju-kun, pyungan-buk-do (province in N. Korea) as a son between my father (Byung Koo Jhee) and my mother (Byung Hyun Cho) on May 7th, 1930.
Our village consisted of only ten houses. The backyard was covered with little steep mountains where tigers roamed. And in front of the house, there was a wide and large field where we rice farmed
. In Autumn, the fully riped rice plants became a golden wave, attracting many beautiful red dragon flies. In the middle of this field, there was a long river which led to the sea. I spent lots of time at the beach of this river named River Sa Song with my village friends- swimming, fishing and wrestling together. At 7, my mother told me suddenly that I had to attend school. Up until then, I never thought of studying. I was afraid and did not even know the location of the school. My mother was angry about my disinterest in school. I was registered at Myungdong Primary School with the help of my elder sister, Song Sook. Once I attended, I found myself enjoying many friends and the big school playground. In the summer, I would walk bearfooted some 30 minutes to school through narrow roads in the valley.
We were under colonial rule by Japan. We had to study only in Japanese language using Japanese textbooks. We were punished for speaking Korean at school. After school, we would speak Korean at home.
We were not well off during my early childhood years. We lived in a small cottage (a straw house) in two rooms with my father, mother, elder brother/his wife and children and elder sister. There were no tooth brush, soap, or bath facilities with insuficient water supply, especially during winter. But I didn't mind being poor. My parents were busy farming and I was living a happy life. My older brother graduated from a 6-year primary school and married early to have 2 boys, my nephews Han Young and Woon Young. In Autumn, my older brother and I would go to the mountains to collect firewood and pine needles cones for for heating during Winter. I could not forget the beautiful echoes from our bamboo-made pipe, playing as we return home from the mountain.
He was eager to learn so I tried to sending letters hoping to receive English and math books. I remember my poor brother could not study due to his our poverty and his need to help with farming. My two older sisters were already married. I had a pleasant memory of Autumn windy days with my sister, Song Sook, when we used to go early in the morning to the mountains collecting fully riped, dark brown chestnuts. My grandfather was better off than anyone in our village. He was tall and handsome. I would see him in his room reading books all the time. My uncle and aunt used to carry me on their back around the village giving me lots of love. My grandfather lived until 83 years old. My uncle lived until 75. Because he did not have any child, he married another women to have a child. They all lived in my grandfather's house with a tiled-roof- considered to be a rich man's house at the time.
When I was 10, my mother decided to move to the city of Sun-Chun which was the second largest city in Pyung An Northern Povince. This was to further my education. But my grandfather was very much against the idea since our family had always farmed for a living. However, my mother convinced him into moving to the big city - Sun Chun. We finally sold our farm to buy a big, beautiful house in Sun Chun. The house had 4 bedrooms and 3 kitchens. We can see the beautiful Mt. Dae-Mok sitting from our living room. The mountain would turn all red during Autumn -changing colors. I remember sitting in the living room drawing the beautiful mountains with crayons.
My sister was only 15 years old. She and my mother had a rough time educating me. We had 9 students boarding with us. Every morning, the students were busy with washing and brushing their teeth at our big well. These students came from all over and were very well off. It was very different from our old village where I spent the first 10 years of my life. First of all, everything was bright due to the electric lights and I found myself using soap and tooth paste, instead of salt. Taking hot bath was during winter was also new to me. There were also book stores, bakery shops, ice cream, etc... I was very delighted seeing everything that I needed.
I attended a well known Japanese Asahi Primary School. All the subjects were in Japanese language. All the books were of high quality, well designed prints. I studied hard to be the head of class for 3 consecutive years. The teachers were very strict, hitting us with wooden whips if we cause trouble. There were 20 girl students and 30 boy students, 50 in all. We all sucessfully finished studying and graduated.
My junior high school was at first at SunChun agricultural school, then I transferred to Shin Sung Missionary School. I played in the school's soccer team and was loved by the teachers and fellow students. At the liberation of Japanese reign in 1945, Kim Il Sung's communist Government started to rule North Korea. Only communism was taught at the school. My mother, after long thought, decided to escape to South Korea. We could only afford corn, but my mother made a special rice porridge before sending me off to the South. I could not eat, fighting tears streaming down my face. Since I was so young, my mother arranged for a young couple to accompany me. We couldn't even say our good-byes fearing that the communists would catch us. If caught, we would surely be killed being drafted by the communist army.
I got on the train and took my seat. My beloved brother could not express his farewell but only pretended to look at the train. It was the last chance for us to share our brothership. The train rushed to Pyong-yang, capital of communist North Korea without hesitation. In the meantime, I cried and cried leaning against the train window fearing being caught by the communist army. After getting off the train, I climbed over the winter mountain around the 38th parallel over 2 days with the help of a man. Soon, I stepped over to South Korea's territory. I cried more, desperate, to find my older sister who came before me. Luckily, I found her in Seoul through Kaesung city bounded train. There was a refugee camp located in front of a catholic church. This camp was supported by Young-Nak presbyterian church providing food and shelter. We realized that this was all possible through the generosity of American missionaries help. After I reunited with my sister and mother, we started a new life, settling in Wonhyo-ro. I attended Seoul Technical high school as a 2nd year student. Just as I was preparing to apply to Seoul National University, the Korean War ("youk-ee-o" June 25) broke out. With God's mercy, we were able to cross the Han-River over to Suwon city to catch the last train bound for south. For 3 days and nights, we starved on the train, reaching Busan city. There were so many refugees that we had to move to Masan. There was no place to sleep. We would just sleep on the straw bag sack on the streets. Because of the fighting, we were forced back to Busan. Again, we slept at such open places as sea-shores, under the bridge and on streets. The refugee camp was our only choice but the food was scarce and of poor quality, making us ill.
I was too weak and in bad health to join the Korean Army. All the young men who joined were killed in the battle fields along with 50,000 U.S. soldiers who also sacrificed their lives. We were thankful to General Mc Arthur for the successful war missions allowing us to return to Seoul. Despite the fact that we were on a cargo, we were happy to return, after a long separation to reunite with my mother in Seoul. I was suffering from diarrhea. My mother somehow found 6 tablets of guanidine to restore my health. I was always thankful for God's grace over me.
With good food and environment, I became more and more healthier every day. I applied to 35th Infrantry Regimen, 5th Division Army on September 28th, 1950 and joined on the march to North Korea in the Winter. We were all senior high students. We got on a train full of barbed wire, entangling our pants and shoes. We were so cold that we could not even complain about the wires. We were only students but found ourselves dropped off at the army camp and instructed to fight with guns for our country. We got up at 6 AM and were given 10 minutes to get ready for our morning running. We would get hit if we were late. For breakfast, we picked up one rice ball standing in long lines besides the mountain. On the first day, I could not even chew the cold rice and spit out the iced rice. After several day, we had to pass a physical examination for formal enrollment to the army. After the examination, the doctor passed me but upon return to camp, I noticed my swollen feet. I quickly returned to the doctor showing my ailment. He re-examined me and disqualified me. I was the only one among the 300 to return home. It was a moment of life or death. I later learned that most of the students were killed in the battle fighting against the Chinese army with very little military training. This was the January 4th, 1951 Retreat or "il-sa-hoo-tae."
We took refuge in Tae-gu city with my mother and sister. They had to sell goods on the road-side to support the family during the bitter cold winter. I really did not do much, not having fully recovered from diarrhea. While I was wondering the neiborhood, I came across a smiling boy (about 15) who asked my name. When I gave him my identification, he introduced to work at the American Air Force - Officer's restaurant. My job was to wash spoons and forks using warm water in a nice restaurant. It was an easy job washing utensils 3 times a day. The big bonus was eating the same officer's meal 3 times a day just like them. I never ate such good food and even took daily showers before heading home. All this and got paid every 15 days at the personnel department. I was grateful to God for this opportunity. My mother and sister moved to Busan but I remained in Tae-gu. Within 2 months, my health improved dramatically and some even called me a handsome boy. There were many beautiful waitresses between 17 and 20, some in high school and some in colleague. They all spoke English well. It was great working among garden of lovely girls. While I was busy at work, it was very lonely at home after work. There were no radio, newspaper or telephone. Then I met Ms. Lee who was the most beautiful and good natured girl. Dating her made the loneliness go away and I was enjoying life until trouble loomed. The police were our searching for young men to recruit for the military. Many young men were already caught for draft. When Miss Lee found out, she requested the Personnel Department to send me to Seoul. I was Seoul bound by air 3 days later.
Upon arriving at Seoul, I went straight to the Medical college, Seoul National University which was converted and used for U.S. 5th Air Force Headquarter. Inside the building, there was a fancy restaurant where I often saw pilots returning from bombing North Korea. After 18 days, I saw Ms. Lee among the girls who came from Taegu city. I was so pleased to see her again here in Seoul. Because her home was in Taegu with all her family there, I was afraid she would not be able to come to Seoul. She was of average height with clear, white facial features. She was very cute and charming. In addition, she was polite, good in English and had a great personality. She was perfect for me in many ways. We were very luck to have such wonderful food during the war time. Here, I was transferred to being a "house boy." My job was to change the seat cover, clean and run errands. The job was easy and I had lots of freedom. And I could see Miss Lee often since we worked in the same area.
While enjoying my life, two policeman from the Personnel Office came to see me. They gave me a military draft notice. I was alarmed. This just happend so suddendly that I cried and cried, unable to go to work. By next morning at 5 AM, I was to appear at the East Gate Police station. There were about 200 men and we were all put on a freight train with no window or lights enroute to Kunsan city in Chulla-do. When we arrived, there were more than 1000 men we were recruited from various districts. Upon my physical examination, I reported my hemorrhoids hoping to get disqualified. He accused me of lying and hit me. The doctor then asked me what school I attended. I told him that I graduated from Seoul Technical High School. He instantly rejected me. I could not believe my ears. Only 35 men out of 1000 got dismissed. I was one of them. The rest went to the front line of war - to be killed. I have been a Christian all my life and meditate Psalm 23 " The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want. Though I walk through the valley of death, I fear no evil..." I am grateful to God for leading my life.
After returning to Seoul, I had to move to another location. I met my old friend who convinced me to go to the U.S. 92nd Artillery Battelion to apply for a civilian job. At first, I was emotionally disturbed by the cannons firing. I cried every night, longing for Miss Lee in Seoul. Things got better as time passed. The Spring came with beautiful azalea on the mountains, birds singing and water flowing in the brook. It was a peaceful sight of nature. The dreadful war ended finally on July 31st, 1953 and I parted with Captain Stelma. I returned to Busan, not Seoul, to seek my mother and sister after 2 years of being apart. We found each other and were full of joy. I finished my high school and passed the examination to be accepted to Seoul National University, Dental college.
For four years, I lived with my elder sister. In spite of being poor, I recall living a very calm and peaceful life. We went through such hardship during the war that we appreciated the peace. I lived in Yongsan-ku and devoted my days to study with my sister's support. There were 100 students in my class, 10 of them females. My was doing well, always in the top 10 of the class. My professors would flatter me in class " Student Jhee scored perfectly on my test." I frequently helped teach my fellow students. After graduating on Arpril 28th, 1957, and a 2 month training at the Army Medical Academy in Masan, I became 1st Leutenant in the Army.
My first place of work was the 59th Evacuation Hospital located at Yangsu-ri district. I served as a Army dentist, putting my studies to practice and taking care of patients. After work around 5pm, I had spare time enjoying dinner, coffee and dancing afterwards. During college, I had a chance to learn to dance and this became useful during my military days. We frequently visited famous dance halls where we saw many movie stars, politicians and business people.
I received further training a the U.S. 43rd Hospital on wheels which was located at Eujung-bu after which I was tranferred to the 8th MASH, located at Wonju city.
After working at the front line for 3 years, I was promoted to a captain and was again transferred to a Army Hospital in Busan. My mother lived in Busan with my sister and we were now able to all live together in this beautiful city with nice weather. Our hospital was one of the largest in Korea with 1000 beds, 30 Army doctors, 30 MSC officers, and 30 nurse officers. I was working in the Prosthetics division of the Dental Department. The chief of our department was a Major. I was a captain with 3 Leutenant offices under me. I treated as many patients as possible in preparation for my civilian career as a dentist. Every weekend, I went to the famous hot springs, to the movies, coffee shops and visit famous dance hall named Baikjo (White Swan). My mother was eager for me to be married. She would arrange for me to meet girls, sometimes requiring long trips to Seoul by taxi. I was introduced to many girls after graduating college. It was not as easy as I thought. My bride had to be first pretty, second healthy and third has good character and family background. So this took much time.
My mother and I led a happy life in a very beautiful and clean house. For those 3 years, I gained lots of clinical experience treating army patients and their families. I finally got promoted to the dental section chief working at the commander's office at the Army headquarter, moving us to Seoul with my mother. This hospital served patients of high ranking officers such as field grade officers and generals. I took great pride in working there. All doctors here had excellent techinque and were very dignified.
It was 1962 and I was 32. My sister song-sook was living in Bupyung city. She called me to introduce to a girl. So, next day I went ther by Jeep with my military attire and met the girl with her mother. She sat there with her head down, too shy to look at me. This was the first time seeing such a shy girl. Only when I told her "I should get going" she raised her head to show me her beautiful face. Two days later, we went on a date in Seoul. She was a senior in college, studying music at Kyunghee university. We were engaged in two months and in the following month of March, 24th 1963, we got married. Dr. Il Sun Yoon, the president of the Seoul National University presided over the wedding.
On July 31st, 1964, I got discharged from 8 years of Army service and started my own dental practice in Bupyung, Inchon. The practice lasted 10 years. During this time, I attended Inchon Eastern Presbyterian Church and became a deacon. Every Saturday evening after work I would go to the flower shop to buy flowers for the Sunday service decoration.
On January 25th, 1964, my first Son Soung-Soo was born. On June 7th, 1966, my second son, Soung-Jin was born. And on October 27, 1970, my daughter Eun was born. My mother worked hard to help raise the children but she later recalled that those were the best years of her life. The dental practice was doing well and I made enough money to buy my own house and land near by. I started to think about immigrating to the U.S. to better my children's future. I was 45 and this was the last chance to make this important move. Since I had to study again in America to get my license, I thought long and hard about moving to America. On April 28th, 1975, we finally left for the States.
My children were excited about going to America without really knowing what's going on. On our way to Los Angeles, we stopped by Hawaii for immigration registation. Upon arrival to LA, we stayed one night with our friend's house. My second son, with unfamiliar surrounding got out of bed and cried wanting to return home. We moved to a two bedroom apartment in the West Hollywood area on Santa Monica blvd for $240/month. My wife started to work at the garment factory. Two boys attended school and Eun stayed at home with me. I studied to obtain my dentist license. There were 2 exams per year and there were 3 steps of examinations. If I failed one test, I had to wait another 6 months. My foreign dentist took more than 2 years to pass. I studied very hard day and night. With God's help, I obtained my California dental licensed in 22 months. I opened my new and fancy office on Olympic Blvd with a bank loan (UCB bank). We also bought our house near Santa Monica beach about 9 miles away from the office. My wife and I worked there for 27 years (1977-2004). We opened daily except Sunday at 9 AM. I did my best to give good care to my patients. While I was working very hard, my sons graudated from college and went on to graduate schools. Soung Soo went to New England College of Optometry in Boston and graduated in 1992. Sound Jin graduated from the Pharmaceutical Department at the University of Southern California Graduate School. He became the Research Director of California Clinical Trials. Eun graduated from USC Physical Therapy School with M.S. and is working at Shriner Hospital as a physical therapist. My grandchildren Jeremy jhee is 11, Elijah 5, Leslie 5 and Haley is 1 year old.
As your father and grandfather, I would like to leave His word of prosterity. It is Mathew 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well."
I really want you to give for Him and to get blessed by Him. Observe the Lord's day (Sunday). Read the bible, and listen to Him and you will succeed. Resist temptation. Don't get involved in worldly ways and set good example as Christians.
When I go to heaven, I will continue to pray for all of you. For your health and blessings. My prayer will be " My loving God, please bless Jeremy, Elijah, Leslie and Haley, lead them not into temptation but deliver them from earthly evil and may they enjoy good health."
Finally, I would like to leave the following words to Jeremy, Elijah, Leslie and Haley. "Always read Psalm Book One throughout your Junior, Senior and college years."
I love you all!
Chi Kyun Jhee
March 22, 2008